Chapter 3.5: Consequences

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There was no pain

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There was no pain. Cutter's entire body might as well have been a block of ice at this point. The winds by the seaside definitely helped. The crunch of bones against his fist resonated throughout his own with every impact. Every punch rode up his muscled arm, and fed his fury to churn out another. A machine.

The instant Cutter recognized the face on the other side of the wharf, feral instinct took over. Cutter could never forget a face from the family he was formerly a part of — Jav. Lowest rung in the Baxter family.

"All right, all right, man, I'll talk!"

Cutter's fist halted in mid-air. He had the Jav by the shirt, trembling on one knee. With the wooden mask, and the blood thirsty tone, Jav didn't recognize Cutter.

"Go on."

"The boss," Jav spluttered. "The boss is lookin' for somethin' here. S' all I know. I swear!"

The word "boss" came down like a hammer, yanking Cutter from his blind fit of rage.

Shit. I messed up. Boss Steel's probably pissed.

The weight of his reckless actions dawned on him too late. The trained martial artist, now Blaze family racer, forced himself to find restraint. Cutter's entire body shook as a result. Cutter wanted nothing more than to keep punching until the body in his hand went limp, but he'd already committed an act of insubordination. His very first since joining the Blazes. Though Cutter knew he couldn't avoid consequences when he returned, at the very least, verifying Anchor's intel would make it worth it.

"We're leagues away from Baxter territory. That doesn't sound like Floyd."

All Floyd cares about is fighting. Not cyborg shit or racing.

"Floyd?" Jav garbled, red dribbling from the corners of his mouth as he smiled. "We cut ties with that old timer ages ago. It's thanks to him that the family is as fucked up as it-"

The henchman gagged as Cutter's hand instinctively found his neck. Cutter still had great respect for Floyd Baxter. Floyd took him off the streets, and personally trained him in several martial arts styles. As a result, Cutter became one of the most formidable cage fighters for the Baxters at the time. If the Baxters were split into factions now, there was only one person who could pull that off.

Good. I have you now.

Cutter released the Jav's throat. He waited until Jav caught his breath to lean his face closer to his.

"So you belong to James then. That's too bad," Cutter growled, fog coming from the holes in his wooden mask. From the way the Baxter cronie flinched, Cutter's wooden mask had the intended effect — terror.

"W-wait, what're you doing!"

Cutter's free hand lunged towards Jav's arm.

"No, no, not my arm! I need it for-"

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