Chapter 30: Balance

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A small voice in the back of Lancet's mind reminded him that Rose was very armed and very angry

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

A small voice in the back of Lancet's mind reminded him that Rose was very armed and very angry. That was never a good combination. His body had moved so fast without thinking, that when he realized he left his gun on the kitchen counter, he cursed himself.

Damn lack of sleep!

"You're insane!"

By his lack of self awareness and the fact that he was unarmed as a result, Lancet couldn't help, but agree.


Rose's amber eyes flared at him as she snubbed her Aconitum against his thumping heart. He could tell by the cold metal stabbing into him, that her hand had steadied, and any trace of her trembling was gone. He was inwardly impressed by her ability to completely shut out her emotions so quickly. On the downside, said lack of emotions would make it that much easier for the Gloxinia Heiress to put a hole in him.

The air was thick with tension. The racer could hear his every heart beat in his ears. He watched the woman across from him mentally weigh her options. He was doing the same.

He still didn't have word from Stitch as far as the rumor mill regarding the Gloxinia Family, but Lancet had encountered many different kinds of people over the years. And while Rose seemed desperate to help her family climb the mafia hierarchy, she wasn't an idiot.

He wouldn't have known anything about Rubia Peligrosas, the rare poisonous flower, if she hadn't invited him to her estate. Other family of hers, as well as family of subordinates lived there, and so it was common sense that those people would also have access to said flowers.

Rose couldn't have done it. Although there was still a voice of reason asking if it was his personal feelings clouding his judgement, he'd already considered the evidence. Especially now after learning the full reason why their two families were at odds for over two decades.

While Lancet didn't know who offed his boss just yet, being able to eliminate her from the list of suspects was like a weight being off his shoulders. The more allies, the better.

The racer's current and most pressing problem — literally because she was pressing a gun to him — was how he could reverse the consequences of losing his temper and therefore triggering more resentment between the two families. Lancet wasn't the kind of man to apologize and so the only tactical thing that came to mind was to spill his guts metaphorically before she did it literally.

Don't make me regret this, Rose...

"Before you pull that trigger, I'd like confess something."

The woman's eyes narrowed at this. He couldn't blame her. He sounded suspicious even to his own ears.

"There are churches for that, Steel."

"Until today, you were a primary suspect in the poisoning of my predecessor. Said poisoning was the real cause of Gervassio Blaze's death."

Rose was so shocked, he felt her gun withdraw for a moment before she shook herself out of it, and aligned the muzzle to his chest again.

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