Chapter 39: Border Patrol

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"How the hell did border patrol sniff us out!"

There was no time to argue so they all piled into the Death Stalker which was closer, and had its engine already running. Before Rose or Lucia could buckle up, Cutter stomped on the gas, and sent them all careening away from the border.

The gates were open, and Kayos B.P. was on their tail like a bloodhound chasing the scent of a juicy prize. And if that wasn't enough, two bulky black vehicles larger than the other four trucks in pursuit also joined the fray. Rose's eyes widened in recognition, and as if on cue, Cutter scoffed.

"I thought armed racing was illegal in Kayos."

"It is," Rose confirmed. "I haven't the foggiest idea how they got their hands on armed vehicles. We deal weapons, not cars."

"You don't think the government learned from my brother's escape?" Lucia answered.

"Something's wrong," Rose concluded, "Border patrol isn't normally so desperate that they'll chase down someone on the other side of the fence. And to bring out armed vehicles to boot?"

Lucia smiled ominously. "You're sharp for a princess."

"What did you do?" Rose hissed. Judging by the laughter in the backseat while they were being tossed around like a salad, Rose instinctively knew Lancet's sister had a hand in what was happening. Before Lucia could say another word, the Death Stalker lurched to one side, throwing Rose against Cutter's solid shoulder. Once the armed vehicle stabilized again, she felt Cutter's arm yank the seat belt over her chest. Rose grabbed it without hesitation and buckled herself in.

"Thanks," she huffed, returning her attention back to Lucia who'd also managed to get her seatbelt on. How unfortunate... "What do you have that they want?"

The way Lucia flashed her canines, it eerily reminded Rose of Lancet. Gods, she actually missed him. She liked his canines much better, especially when he lightly dragged them down the slope of her shoulder.

"It's not what. It's who."

"Hold on!" Cutter grunted, swerving again to escape the salvo of gunfire pinging against the Death Stalker's rear.

Rose was finding it impossible to piece it all together while simultaneously trying to avoid whiplash. On the bright side, she hoped once Lancet had his reunion with his sister, she could trouble him for one of his magical massages.

"Okay, no more games, Lucia. Either you tell us what's going on, or I swear to Cosmos, I'll kick open that door and throw you to B.P. willingly."

"They want a member of the Resistance's inner circle."

"Excuse me?" Rose heard Lucia just fine. She was just in denial. "You're in a resistance!"

"I am, and held in high regard I might add. And as for how they sniffed us out, they might've received an anonymous tip."

"What- No. You didn't."

Rose's face felt like it was on fire. The next town was three miles away, and Rose knew in a chase with armed vehicles, those minutes were vital. If they couldn't get away from Kayos before then, they'd all be in trouble. Even if they were alive, getting caught by Kayos' government officials while smuggling a person, and such a high value person at that, would affect the Gloxinias standing with them. It'd look like a betrayal, and whatever arrangement she had with the country would be dissolved.

The Gloxinia Heiress was beyond pissed at this point, she hadn't even realized her hand was pulling out her precious Aconitum from her purse until Cutter's large hand blanketed over hers.

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