Chapter 3.5: Promises

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"I'm sorry I haven't visited lately

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"I'm sorry I haven't visited lately." Rose's comm-device was hot against her ear.

"It's fine," Johan crackled on the other line. "I know you're occupied with the family, and all. You visit more than my father at least."

Both he and Rose scoffed at the same time. Their simultaneous sour reaction to her uncle made her smile. She yearned to see Johan's goofy grin, but holo calls weren't allowed in prison. Not to mention, prison reception was the pits.

"Though he has shown up recently once or twice. Requested to see me. A little weird, actually."

"Hmm, that is weird," Rose agreed. This piqued her interest. Ever since Rose officially became Gloxinia Boss, she and her uncle avoided crossing paths as much as possible. With an estate as large as the Gloxinia's, it wasn't difficult to do. Most times Rose forgot her uncle even lived there even after auntie Lonna left him. Had Fachnan not been her father's brother, Rose would've booted him long ago. "Did you see him?"

"What do you think? I don't even read his letters."

"The audacity he has to even write them."

Johan hummed in agreement. "Anyway, I'll let you get back to Atro. I know how much you love the races."


Emotion twisted in Rose's throat, but she swallowed it down. The urge to offer going to the Grand Prix together at the end of the year nagged at her, but she resisted. Getting her hopes too high too far into the future never panned out well.

"Yes. I do love them."

"Be careful. Atro's Blaze turf. Whether he's dead or not."

"Oh, believe me. I know," Rose quipped. Lancet flashed through her thoughts. "Anyway, umm, love you."

"Love you, too, cuz. Bye."

Today was the day of Gervassio Blaze's Memorial Race. The occasion was not as big as the Grand Prix festivities, but Atropellado was bustling with excitement regardless.

In true Atropellado fashion, no opportunities for profit were wasted. Billboard screens displayed the sport's favorite racers. Traffic was clogged by ground vehicles, and air bikes alike while arena employees handed out balloons, and offered merchandise on the main street leading to the city's circuits. Store fronts even had cute androids that haggled passersby's, adorned in shirts, and hats with Gervassio's image plastered all over them.

"Ugh. Tacky." Rose murmured under her breath. "Bet that wasn't Lancet's idea."

Armed racing was something Rose loved ever since she was a little girl. One of the very few traits she picked up from her father. The smell of burnt rubber and popcorn, the sound of dangerous machines revving up at the starting line eager to claim their first victims, the sight of the sport's veterans arriving to honor their deceased leader. Never mind that Lancet Steel, the city's multi-time winning champion, was coming out of retirement to join the race. By all rights, Rose should've been bouncing in her seat just as giddy as everyone else in the city. Instead, Rose leaned her forehead against the cool window, closed her eyes, and frowned.

"That doesn't look like the face of a woman who's going to see her first live race in two years? Johan all right?"

"Yes, he's fine. We've got ours on him inside. Made a few friends too apparently."

"Johan. Making friends in prison," Isaac blinked, and Rose shared his disapproving look. It wasn't like Johan. Then again, Johan was a different man before he was thrown into the stir.

"Is it Steel's behavior from the other day then? He did ensure you received exclusive tickets for the skybox. A political apology, I suppose."

Rose rolled her eyes. "No, it's not Lancet. Moodiness aside, I'll always be his fan. His skill as a racer is unrelated to — whatever happens next."

To most of Lancet's fangirls, Lancet was nothing more than a chiseled jaw line with jet black hair that tousled in the wind. Rose however, admired him for much more than that. Rose understood armed vehicles down to the innards of only the highest quality chassis, and precision turbochargers. She knew that the Bayonet was one of a kind, and by no means, an easy beast to tame.

Though some would credit Lancet's skill to hard work or even luck, Rose recognized it as more than that. From the minute she watched his very first race, she knew he had the makings of a legend. The kind of legend people could go an entire lifetime without ever experiencing.

Lancet was one with his vehicle. Under his care, the Bayonet was like a limb he hadn't known was missing until she completed him. With that car, Lancet's skill in armed racing was unmatched.

"I see..."

"I think — we may have to speed up my plans."

"Oh?" The older gentlemen quirked a brow in the seat across from her. Isaac's hooded eyes hardened. "Your uncle then."

"Yes. Time's ticking. We only have a few months until Johan is released."

"But, correct me if I'm wrong, your cousin doesn't have any ambitions of leading the family. Never has as far as I can recall."

"That doesn't change the fact that some in the family expect him to take the reins, especially if I fail here in Atro. Uncle would definitely prefer a more docile leader."

"Mmm. Perhaps. Easier to manipulate, I'm sure. Whereas you are a far cry from docile. A handful as a child, but that trait made you the better contender to take your father's place. May he rest in peace. You drove him mad at times-"

"And you," Rose added with a smirk. Isaac returned the warm gesture before he continued.

"But your father always knew your potential. Even when you didn't see it yourself."

Rose allowed the meaning of his words to weigh on her.

"Let's touch base with the pleasure district boss. Assuming negotiations with Steel fail, at the very least, we can keep him from his throne for a few extra days. That'll be enough to do some damage to morale."

The widening of Isaac's eyes were subtle.

"The bounty hunters stand at the ready, and await your command, Mistress. However, might I remind you that the no blood-shed rule is still in effect for another three days."

"I know, Isaac. That's why we're using unaffiliated men, and not ours."

"Regardless, are you sure?"

The three brick chested Gloxinia men sitting on the other side of the car didn't turn in their direction, but heir ears perked at Isaac's challenge. Not many had the gall to question the Gloxinia Boss, but Isaac was the exception. The manservant practically raised her himself.

Rose fiddled with her rings. "I'd prefer to work something out with him, but considering..."

The heiress didn't realize she mumbled out loud until her chamberlain repeated, "Considering?"

"Never mind. Yes. Let's strike tonight."

"Understood. You only need to give the order, Mistress."

"Good. Let's allow Lancet to have his race." The heiress' ruby lips curled into a mischievous grin. "Might as well enjoy the festivities while we're here. He did provide tickets after all."

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