Chapter 32: Donovan (3 years ago)

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Trigger Warning for references to suicide. Nothing explicit, but just in case, I wanted to give a trigger warning.



The familiar voice was monotone, but he already recognized the urgency in it by now. Cutter's adrenaline was still high from finishing the qualifier race for the upcoming Grand Prix. Lancet was patient, a trait that Cutter appreciated. He could already hear Vera's voice in his ears as he shut down his Death Stalker, and got out.

Once everyone was out of earshot, Lancet said casually, "Gauge called. One of your wife's episodes. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yeah. It has."

He cursed his luck. Vera had been doing well for months now, but he should've known it was only a matter of time until that luck ran out. He was grateful that Lancet couldn't see him wincing behind his mask, but his boss could see right through him anyway. The senior racer gave him a firm squeeze on the shoulder in reassurance.

"It's fine, Donovan. G.B. and I wouldn't have recruited you if this kind of thing was a problem. We take care of our own so long as they do the same in return."

Lancet pointed to the replays of the race Cutter just finished on the tele-screens. "You did good. We're done for today. Go home, and let us know if there's anything you need."

"Thanks, Boss."

That one word didn't justify how indebted he felt to the Blaze family, but it would have to do. Cutter was back in his vehicle before the grease monkeys could even attempt to wash the dirt off of it. When Gauge, his wife's caregiver and hired bodyguard picked up, she didn't waste time with small talk.

"You on your way?"

"Yeah. How is she?"

"She's confused, but that's not the problem."

Cutter didn't like the sound of that. He failed at softening his tone when he demanded, "What is it?"

"She got her hands on a knife."

"How the hell did she- is she okay? You're supposed to be watching her!"

"Don't tell me how to do my job, Cutter. I'm only here when you're working so there's only so much I can do."

"Is. She. Okay?"

"She hasn't done anything with it. Not yet. She won't let me near her though. You need to get over here pronto. She wants you."

It was only three words. She wants you. And yet, it was such a loaded statement.

What his wife wanted was a man who metaphorically died years ago once he got news from the doctor about her injuries. Donovan didn't understand all of the medical mumbo jumbo, but what he did know, was that it was caused by the head trauma she sustained.

A rare neurological disorder. It wasn't the same as the Time-Eater, the illness most old folks get where they regress mentally, and forget stuff. What Vera had was something called the Bodysnatcher Delusion. The Bodysnatcher Delusion was it's own beast, never mind the fact that it also increased her odds of getting Time-Eater when she was older.

Aside from the expected trauma that comes from a near death experience, and her fear of the Baxters finding them, Vera was the same woman he married — most of the time. Her episodes were the kick in the nuts. During these attacks of hers, she's convinced that people have been body-snatched. It usually only affects people she's closest with, and because she's sure these people are impostors, it makes her anxious, even terrified. Routines, and medications helped, but on the days these episodes hit, those days were the hardest days for them both.

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