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Chapter Three: "Hold My Hand As I'm Lowered"
Season 7 Episode 3

Chapter Three: "Hold My Hand As I'm Lowered" Season 7 Episode 3

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aiden rubbed his hands together as him and nathan met at the rivercourt, "so two hundred grand and she signs a confidentiality agreement," aiden looked at his best friend, "she goes away and you have nothing to do with the kid and neither do i,"

nathan looked at his agent, "i already had nothing to do with the kid, it's not mine, why is she doing this to us?"

aiden shrugged his shoulders, "because we make a lot of money... and because we are in the middle of a very public contract negotiation..with a team that cares about its imagine and the only team you want to play for,"

he stated to his best friend, "which leads me to this," aiden sighed, "maybe we pay her,"

"tell me you did not just say that,"

aiden sighed, "i did, because i'm your agent and also your best friend, and i wouldn't be a very good one if i didn't point out.." nathan turns to aiden, "that she could do a lot of damage if she goes public or even files a paternity suit,"

"it's not true," nathan stated to his best friend, "i'll take a blood test," aiden nods his head, "by that point, a lot of damage could be done,"

"nate, your next contract could be worth eighteen million to twenty million minimum," aiden stated, "not to mention the endorsement deals predicted, on the fact that nathan scott is a good guy,"

nathan shakes his head, "he's a good father and a good family man," nathan made a face, "she's lying," aiden nods his head, "so she's lying, you know the way it works, man,"

aiden sees his best friend walk away, "they print the accusation on front page and the retraction on the back," aiden rubbed his hands together, "if i pay her, then i'm saying that i did it,"

"i disagree,"

aiden climbs off of the bench, "i think we're paying a lot for a little bit, and that's all," aiden looked to his best friend, "all i'm saying is that it's valid option we should consider before she—"

"goes public, ah.."

the press come towards nathan and aiden, "great, here come the press," mouth looked at them, "hey, nate, aiden,"

aiden half smiled at mouth, "hey,"

"nate, can i talk to you?" aiden furrowed his eyebrows, "about what?" nathan hits his agent's stomach, "aiden, it's cool, i'll catch up with you,"

aiden looked to mouth then to his best friend, "okay," he started to walk away from nathan and mouth coming into his car, starting his engine driving away from the rivercourt.


aiden had his nephew and niece on his lap when haley comes towards them, "josh, luc, why don't you two head inside and we'll watch a movie in a minute, okay?" aiden's sister twins both smiled at their uncle jumping off of aiden's lap going inside the house.

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