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Chapter Six: "Deep Ocean Vast Sea"
Season 7, Episode 6

Chapter Six: "Deep Ocean Vast Sea" Season 7, Episode 6

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aiden ran across the beach shirtless in a pair of his old basketball shorts pausing his music when he sees quinn, "hey," aiden smiles slowing his running, "hey," he takes out his earphones.

quinn move her bag more up her shoulder, "you're up early," aiden nods his head, "it's my peace and quiet, west coast wakes up in three hours, my phone starts ringing,"


aiden chuckled, "you been down for a swim?" quinn looked away from the ocean to aiden, "yeah, i tried but couldn't," she nods her head, "i've been afraid of the ocean since i was a little girl,"

aiden hummed, "mm, sharks?" quinn playfully shook her head, "immensity," aiden let's out a breath, "ah,"

quinn chuckled, "i thought if i just three myself in and..well, that didn't work out," aiden looked at her, "you should start smaller, like a toe, work up to an ankle, maybe a shin, who knows?"

quinn looked down smiling, "yeah, i'm more of a yank-the-band-aid kind of girl," aiden smiled when his phone started to ring, "ah,"

he looked up at quinn, "go, it's fine," aiden smiled answering his phone, "hey, man, oh," he said hearing nathan, "just relax, all right? i'm— okay, i'll get into it,"

quinn looked at aiden, "yeah, fine, i'll meet you at your place," nathan ends the phone in him as aiden makes a face, "time to fund a phone booth and change into that super-agent costume,"

aiden smiled at her, "if only it was that easy, um, i hate to run but—" quinn shook her head, "go, save the day," aiden smiled, "okay, see you,"

he puts his earphones back into his ears unpausing his music running away from quinn coming towards his beach house.


"this situation is like a war,"

aiden stated as he sat in his best friend's house, "we'll lose a few battles," nathan looked at aiden, "just stop with the metaphors," aiden furrowed his eyebrows, "and tell me what happened this morning,"

"it's a simile,"

haley stated out of the blue, "what? similes use like or as, like a war," aiden looked at them, "guys," haley leans her back, "we lost the body spray campaign, and it looks like the shoe deal is going away,"

nathan looked at his agent shocked, "what?" aiden looked at nathan, "temporarily," haley sighed, "this is unbelievable," aiden frowned, "i know it feels like the sky is falling, but when something like this goes down, marketing executives—distance themselves to protect their brands,"

aiden stated honestly, "almost always they come back as soon as the air clears," nathan stated at his best friend, "almost always?"

aiden sighed, "look, we knew there was a risk when we decided not to deal with renee.. but it has become a bit of an issue with the bobcats,"

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