Death's Follower

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Y'all I make too many ideas with hot demon boys so I tried to make it different—

By making them into a hot death-incarnate boy.

...I can't tell if I'm edgy or depressed.

So uh I realize that I get sad like, really easily so if anything this is just one of my comfort story ideas. Aka if this were to ever come to life then that's when you know that I'm miserable.

Okay so uh, the premise is that the main character, it's a girl cuz oooooo self insert Aha Aha I need to touch grass, serves this one guy. Like— a guy that 'kills' people and takes their soul. And wowowowwww the girl has amnesia~

...Yeah that's basically it.

Well, there are some stuff like the back ground like who the guy is and what the girl's backstory is so uh yeah let's talk about that.

So the girl's backstory is gonna be, uh... oh wow, this is gonna get personal hold up. So basically this girl is constantly getting abandoned/ losing relationships. Broken promises, painful reminders, so many things that accumulated into her to stop caring. She tried to stop caring.

But then one day, a normal school day, there was a school shooter. She tried to run away but then realized that one of her past friends was in danger. Before she knew it, the girl ran and pushed her past friend away and—

Took the gunshot.

And then the amount of time that passed is unknown but she recalls all of her memories. Despite everything, despite trying so hard to hate them and be bitter, she couldn't help but care for them. Because even with all the pain, they were friends, once upon a time.

And then, someone approaches her dying body.

"Do you have any last words?"

The girl knew there was someone there, there was a silhouette blocking the cursing sun. But she couldn't see their face, her vision was getting too blurred.

"Haha," She laughed, wincing at the dulling pain in her stomach. Not even they tried to help me— they ran without a glance. Not... not that I blame them. "Hey, can you..." She didn't know why she started thinking about something— perhaps being at Death's door led her to not care about the consequences? "Can you grant me one wish...?"

She... she didn't want to care anymore.

The girl didn't even know if the person, if it was even a hallucination or not, responded before she continued. She sucked in a sharp breath. "Ca— can you... hold my hand... for me? I don't— I don't want to be a.. alone anymore."

Unknown to her, the boy in front of her— his eyes widened in shock. What kind of request is that? He thought, watching as tears leaked out of her closed eyes. And yet— she was smiling— accepting her fate.

He couldn't help but feel amused by her. "I changed my mind." He said, kneeling close to her. She had lost consciousness, heart close to stoping. "I feel as though you'll be fun to be with."

With an arm raised, he suddenly thrusted it through his chest, light shining through as his hand dug inside her. Plunging it out, a soft, light orb— a soul— laid in his hold.

He smiled, "So don't disappoint me."

I don't really know why the font changed but uh let's talk about the death incarnate guy. I'm only saying that cuz I'm considering on connecting this to my universe, or like the world I created that has the species of 'Shinigami'. But since some things might have different concepts of death so it could not be connected at all.

This story is gonna have dark themes, I bet. Or at least, the characters will have terrible morals (Like me—)

I don't know, I think I'm just desperate for comfort. Uh, I want a hug.

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