Naruto Fanfic: Bloody Enlightenment

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Naruto fic idea: what happens if Sasuke gets the Mangekyou Sharingan before he deserts the village? Cuz I was thinking about AVOOCU (my OC-insert fanfic please read 🥺) scene where Kakashi tries to give the whole "give up on revenge" to Megumi and she's like "is this how the OG!Sasuke felt? This... betrayal?" And then now I wanna see this introspection on Canon!Sasuke. Cuz despite people thinking about how cold and heartless he is, Sasuke is actually very emotional and cares deeply for Team 7 (at least at that time, hence why he didn't kill Naruto or Sakura at the end of Part 1).

So for Kakashi to suddenly say this to Sasuke, right after waking up from his failure of defeating Itachi and getting hit with a tsukiyomi (I think? My memory's fuzzy cuz it's been years sue me), ESPECIALLY since Kakashi's known since introductions that he's wanted revenge? The betrayal may have been so huge that he might instantly few Kakashi as dead to him— and then suddenly, there's blood dripping down his face.

And so that's how Sasuke got the Mangekyou (cuz you need the EMOTIONAL EQUIVALENT of a beloved's death, not to actually kill them I'm pretty sure). And I imagine that since he's in a very unstable state, his new found power goes out of control and he faints (probably either by chakra exhaustion or forcibly by Kakashi)

So when Sasuke wakes up back in the hospital (this time detained and heavily watched), he's at first very angry but after some time of being locked in and nothing to do, he turns... contemplative. Eventually— "if I didn't have to kill anyone to unlock the Mangekyou... then does that mean that Itachi might not have as well?"

He's startled at the random thought and tries to shake stupid idea— no, he's a killer, he killed my entire family, there's no way he didn't get it peacefully— but it sticks to him like a goddamn mosquito. It doesn't help that further in his contemplations, some things in his memory starts to not add up.

You see, Sasuke hasn't been entirely shielded away from all the unrest and hatred bubbling within the Uchiha clan, but his young mind back then hadn't been able to properly understand it and it's only now that he's looking at memories before the massacre with new knowledge. And, even if Itachi hadn't spent as much time with him as he wanted, was it really possible to fake that kindness towards him? (Sure, Itachi's a prodigious ninja, but he was also known for being powerful and smart, not necessarily manipulative). Also, if gaining the Mangekyou just from betrayal felt this terrible... he doesn't want to know how Itachi felt when he gained his with Shisui actually dying (he imagines it would be like how he felt when he saw his parents dead, but he also feels as though the two boys' connection was... deeper, in some way).

After he eventually gets released, he goes onto an investigation towards the Uchiha Massacre (something that, in hindsight, should've been done a LONG time ago— even if it was to find out how the fuck Itachi got everyone in the clan together that one night). I think during this time, there would be many instances of uncomfortable yet very well-needed heart-to-heart conversations with Naruto/Sakura (some probably with violence, but that's just typical shounen)— though since I am making stuff out of my ass, I can't tell you any specifics LMAO.

As for Kakashi... yeah they're gonna be avoiding each other for a LONG time (Kakashi with his emotional baggage and Sasuke just not caring about him anymore). Eventually— because I am a sucker for happy endings— they'll have a good heart-to-heart and go into a happy ending, showing how it IS possible to mend a relationship with enough effort (that being said, don't try to force it).

The investigations also eventually get Sasuke under Danzo's watch (well, he has been, but now sort of as a threat as the boy's now digging into his dirty secrets). There's also Orochimaru who'll eventually get fed up of waiting for Sasuke to desert the village and kidnap him (first with the Sound 5 and then another much later (like near his due date) probably with Kabuto). I'm not sure if Naruto will still go onto that 3 year journey with Jiraiya because of the Akatsuki and needing to learn to control the Kyuubi but... considering the Canon... that journey was useless 💀 like what the fuck was the point if Naruto was still gonna lose control until he made friends with the fox?!

I like to think the climax would be when Sasuke finally unearths the whole truth behind the Uchiha Massacre but then gets into a really shitty bind by Danzo's ROOT lackeys in an attempt to assassinate him and to shut his mouth— but that's when BOTH Itachi and Kakashi barge in to help him (Itachi because he outright threatened Danzo to absolutely EVISCERATE him if he hurt Sasuke and Kakashi because at that point he's probably trying his best to get Sasuke's trust back (most likely after numerous scoldings from Naruto/Sakura/basically everyone around him)) (also I'm not trying to make him out as a sort of damsel in distress but it's to show to Sasuke that people he thought forsaken him came back for him. It's the thought that counts!).

And then finally, after Danzo is revealed to the world as scum, Sasuke asks Itachi why he took the role of traitor (because it's one thing to find out about it and it's another to actually hear it from the person himself) with no bullshit received (no point in acting now). This is also when Sasuke finally lets himself listen to Kakashi's apology. They all reconcile and happy ending! Hooray!!

There's still the Akatsuki. And Zetsu. And Kaguya. And maybe Sasuke still has that curse mark. And maybe he's turning blind. And basically everything else. But that! Is not the point of this fanfic idea! (Also because I'm running out of shit to say.) Idk if I'll be adding any ships (at least involving Sasuke) cuz it might detract from the story but if I did, it'll probably be SasuSaku, SasuNaru, or SasuNaruSaku (oh wow real original dude). Also all of this information might be wrong cuz I have not refreshed myself with the lore in years so uh my bad.

Tbh I got this idea a while ago when I was with my older brother discussing how good the Boruto anime is (we will both die on this hill) but it floated back to me this instant! That being said, this'll probably never become more than an idea cuz I'm too lazy and unmotivated to reread the entire series for this. Idk y'all can adopt this if you want too (and tell me cuz... I wanna read it 🥺)!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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