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Genre: fantasy, original (I hope), dark themes (it has potential to), angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, idk anymore

Tulpa: a being created by the mind.

So let's imagine, that this person's a depressed person. And then this writer creates a comfort character. And then one day, the comfort character COMES TO LIFE.

Now, that sounds simple enough, but what if their comfort character was a menace to society? Or a being of one's desires? Now that's interesting.

I seriously thought of this turning into a battle royals where the creator's and the tulpa's had to work together to fight (and maybe kill) other opponents, but it could also very well turn into a slice-of-life comedy.

Idk, depends on the author's preferences.

Tbh, if this was real, then everybody but me would be fucked. I mean, can you beat a cold-hearted psychopath who is a daemon and can rewrite universes??? No, you can't.

The only reason why I'll be fine is cuz I wrote him to love me and only me (I know I'm lonely), but that could very well change when the writer's strings are no longer attached to them.

Honestly, this might turn into an angst-fluff story cuz of the reasons why the writer created the tulpa.

This is an interesting idea! At least I hope it is. I would right this but one, I'm still working on AVOOCU, and two, I have no plot. Lol

I hope someone picks this up, I'd love to read it.

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