Flower Girl [Original]

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Ok I'm writing this in class cuz I just got this idea ok let's gooooooo

So uh, one day, the protagonist (it's a boi this time!) is living at his aunts house for the summer and he explores the place. He then stumbles on to a flower field (im think sunflowers) and then he sees a girl with a flower bouquet. They meet and he tried to communicate to her cuz she cute but finds out that she's mute.

She gives her a flower. And the day after that. And after that. And basically gives him a flower every time they meet, each flower different.

Now, he doesn't know this, but she is actually using flower language to talk to him. He doesn't find out until it's too late( yes I'm
Making this a romance and yes, I am killing her)

She'll have an illness or something but they won't even know cuz of all the fluff and lighthearted-nesss lololol.

She falls in love with him and he'll never even know till it's too late!!!!

Yes I'm. That evil.

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