The Girl with Spirit-Seeing Eyes

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Remember Miyu Reishiko? My Bnha OC? Well, I was thinking about her and how she's practically been deserted as I'm not obsessed with the franchise anymore but then I thought—

What if she got an original story? Like, I could just forget about her but then I got attached and I actually made a world based around her—

And then there came the ideas crashing in.

It's gonna be like a typical shoujo opening. The main character will be out and stumble across a temple. They go in, cuz they're bored, and then, by pure coincidence, meet Miyu.

Miyu will of course be really shy towards them, ushering them away.

Nothing much, right?

Well, turns out they go to the same school and then the main character wants to be friends with them. They end up following her— which ends up with trouble as a Yokai wants to mess with them.

Miyu tackles it with ease and then all her Yokai friends come in. The main character is shocked because it's like her personality is completely different: instead of timid and shy, she's much more open and bubbly, along with a small sly side to her.

Now, she's shocked because like her, they can also see her friends. Which is not usually possible.

I actually have an idea why, like, it could go in two ways: Noragami or Hanako-kun (if you understand, keep it to yourself).

So the rest of the story is just helping Miyu grow and all that, just like a typical shoujo (romance?) thing?

I actually want to have her older brother (and maybe girlfriend???) be the antagonist. Like, maybe the family is cursed and the overprotective brother hates spirits? Idk, haven't thought that one out yet.

But yeah, in this case, Miyu and her friends won't be forgotten. I mean, it's a better story than just being an OC inserted in a story.

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