When the Puppet Gains A Voice in His Head [Genshin Impact: Self-Insert]

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[In which Scaramouche suddenly gains a voice in his head during one of his trips down the Abyss. A voice that just so happens to belong to someone obsessed with Genshin Impact— and him in particular.]

"Goddamn— that's a lot of blood."

The first time he heard it, it was one of the times he had gone to the Abyss. An experiment to gain more power and surpass that puppet body's limits, the Doctor would've described it if he was the one who assigned the mission. However, as the puppet laid on the void-like ground, tainted by red as fluids oozed out from the wounds of his body, never the boy expected to suddenly hear a voice in this corrupted, suffocating darkness— let alone a rather vulgar one like that.

The puppet merely craned his head up, his eyes narrowing. Perhaps decades ago the boy would've panicked at the amount of humanly-fatal injuries; but, alas, years of excruciatingly painful experimentation have drilled into his brain that he was anything but human— the results allowing him to sit up in his own pool of blood no problem other than the dulling pain. Electric indigo eyes darted around his surroundings, yet all he saw was the Abyss. The puppet briefly wondered if he was just imagining things, or that he was finally becoming crazy— it surely wouldn't be unexpected.

"No, no, you're not going crazy!" His back stood rigid. Again, that voice— albeit more chastising than before. "I'm just a voice in your head!"

"...So I am becoming crazy."

"Noooooooo...!" Now, a whine.

Scaramouche merely rolled his eyes as if suddenly gaining a voice in his head was a normal occurrence and pushed himself up, promptly ignoring how limp and pained he felt. "Can't believe that even a puppet such as I would have an error like humans..." he mumbled under his breath, brushing off the dust on his body, brushing agaisnt his wounds in the process.

"Okay, wow, rude—" the voice spoke before switching tones, "wait, aren't you gonna patch yourself up?! That looks painful!"

He sneered, "this isn't something new. This much wouldn't even kill me." The puppet wasn't sure as to why he felt the need to explain himself, but he figured that it would stop whatever the voice is from nagging.

"Do it!!!" Or not.

The puppet scowled, his face scrunching as he started walking to whatever in this abysmal place. Out of everything, why did I have to gain a voice with such an annoying attitude? Scaramouche pondered irritatedly to himself.

"Okay, so I guess first impressions were shit."

...Right, I can't do that anymore. Scaramouche was already detesting this turn of events— as if being in the Abyss wasn't terrible enough— even more so when he could suddenly hear the whirling of a portal. Senses heightened, the boy quickly took undercover behind... whatever the Abyss had.

Peering over his shoulder, the puppet merely clicked his tongue at the sight of a herd of monstrous hounds, their bodies a dark mist as the canines growled at each other. "Oh damn, rifthounds— the worst enemies to encounter here." The voice pointed out the obvious. "Maybe. Probably. I don't know what else is in here." Scaramouche's eyes narrowed, calculating his next moves. "So, we're running— right?"

He blinked. What? The puppet grit his teeth at the very thought of running away. As if these pesky vermins would make me flee! The puppet wasn't exactly sure why he was giving this thing any response in the first place— loud and pushy attitudes were the absolute worst— but he reasoned that the Abyss was messing with his head.

"My dude, I'm not tryna undermine your abilities or anything but you are literally littered in wounds." The voice's actually reasonable explanation only made him more annoyed. "And you know how these rifthounds work— one touch and then boom! Corrosion— and with your condition, you might as well actually consider yourself dead."

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