Life as a Fatui Agent [Genshin OC-Insert]

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Genres: fanfic, isekai (OF COURSE), slice of life ???, sort of canon-divergent but that's cuz we don't know much about snezhnaya oop, of course gonna be lots of violence ITS THE FATUI

Omg another OC-insert isekai??? Who would've thought. Might even be reincarnation again oop—

Aaaaanyways, the oc's gonna be really inspired by the manhwa "the young lady turned into a young master" so kinda— kinda spoilers for that??

Ok synopsis is that one day, a Genshin player wakes up as a person working in the fatui. Yee that's it. Well, that's what it's gonna be at first. A head canon of mine is that in their homeland, the Fatui has dorms that some of their workers live in. The main character would share a dorm with some others and would start forming friendships with them.

Like, the first part would be them doing miscellaneous missions and having fun together.

The story would really begin when Childe comes in. No, not the harbinger Child, but the 14-year-old, freshmen Childe. Otherwise known as Ajax.

This doesn't have to happen but, I imagine that this happens after someone in their dorm dies or is unable to serve the Tsarista anymore. So of course, the other fatui members aren't gonna take him too lightly, unlike the main character. No, it's not because he's their favorite, far from it: but he was their past life's sibling's favorite. This turns from a slice of life to a sort of found-family fic?? Sort of??? Like a LOT of hurt/comfort.

The OC is rather... confused as to what to do next. Yes, this was a game but to them now— it was reality. That body of them felt real.

You see, when they woke up in the world of teyvat, they woke up in someone's body. Yes, a random npc but— they WERE someone before the OC took over. And all their memories, emotions, feeling— they all merged together. And— and it's really messing them up.

You see, I'm planning for original person and the OC to be like, complete opposites.

The original would come from a terrible yet poor family. The family's pretty spineless, forcing the original to do all the work and then waste the money they earned for meaningless stuff. They go so into debt that the Fatui comes in and, in a desperate attempt, the original begs them to let them work for the Fatui, in which they agree.

This is mainly cuz even though their family treats them as trash, they still love them. This is cuz for a time, probs in their childhood, they were in a good relationship with their family. Idk what exactly happened but being the oldest, they just dropped all the responsibilities to them.

The OC, on the other hand, was pretty lonely, save for only a few people. But even then, the OC always felt distant towards them, so it's hard for them to tell if they truly care or not. This is due to the fact that hey, they got ✨ abandonment issues ✨ Like all their friends just up and leave them so they just decided "yeah let's not" and kinda just— just stopped trying. Legit the last thing they whole-heartedly cared for before being isekai'd was Genshin like the total loser they were lol.

And so it's kinda— really hard to adjust to all those emotions. Like they know that they should not care for certain things but like they cannot help it, it's literally in their blood. And that one idea of one of their dorm members being gone? Oof that's gotta hurt.

And it gets worse when they get a vision. Like, a vision falls from the sky and hits their head and they're just so confused and it turns out that OH SHIT ITS MINE. Theories and speculations from the fandom are gonna come into play and the OC's gonna expect that Celestia is spying on them and hnnnnnnng that's not good.

I reaaallllly want them to have a dendro vision. And to be a catalyst (considering that they have no fighting skills are catalysts have auto aim). Like, I have a headcanon that people with dendro visions are in some sort of denial??? It's cuz Baizhu (a dendro user) in a way is someone in denial as he's trying to prolong his life. Also, according to Dainslief, the Sumeru archon is ok with ignorance sooooo hehe

Back on topic, I want SOME people to know that they're a sort of outlander. This includes the archons. Like what if the Tsarista calls them in and they're scared shitless. Though, in my head, I also want them to have unconditional respect and love for her due to the original.

And to spice things up, I want the OC to be put in Scaramouche's division. I know, I'm totally biased but I really, really want Scara interactions. Of course, it's gonna happen sooner or later with being associated with Childe but I'd rather it be sooner ^^

At some point in the story, the OC's gonna travel to different regions, meeting the other characters in the story. And if they meet Venti, he's probably gonna troll them so hard. Like he's gonna reward them with a song and they're like sure whatever and then HE BUSTS OUT ALL STAR FROM SMASH MOUTH AND THE MAIN CHARACTER'S GONNA BE :O (this could actually happen because according to the lore, Venti knows all songs from past, present, and future in any world so 👀👀👀)

Like pleeeease it would be so funny.

Also, when Childe becomes a harbinger I bet he's gonna move both the OC and their dorm members into his division which is like gonna gain eyes on them (like maaaaybe Signora and Scara) and then that's how the OC meets them it'll be great.

Tbh, this would be my go to plan after I finish my current fanfiction. Bbuuuuuut, this takes place in stuff that are not announced or released yet. And I'm too lazy to do world-building so I'm probably never gonna do this. Well, unless im still HELLA invested in the game even after years which I would not count on.

So if anyone wants to use this idea, feel free to use it and credit me!

Okay that's pretty much it. If I have more crumbs I will say more of said crumbs. Now I'll you'll excuse me, I'll be watching the Sara character demo, it came out when I was typing this. Bye byeeeeeeee

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