A Harem But I Might Die!!! (ORIGINAL)

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Genres: Comedy, Dark Things, Yandere, Slight Romance (and I say that since the protag will be to much of a pussy to do anything, shits and giggles.

Disclaimer: Do NOT fall in love with actual yanderes!!! That, my dear friend, is called a toxic relationship, and no body wants that! This idea is purely for comedy and does NOT, and I repeat, DOES NOT  encourage you to find possessive, maniac murderers attractive!

Ok so now THAT'S out of the way, lets get into the good shit.

SO, one day, the innocent main protag, suddenly finds a love letter in their locker and , as the cliche goes, she runs to the cherry blossen tree and finds the guy. Though, she flat out rejects him. The next day, she acidentilay spots the same guy. with a knife. and a corpse. 

Of course, she does what any other normal person would do, call the police. he gets arrested, and she never sees him again. or so she thought.

NOT EVEN ONE WEEK LATER, he breaks out and changes his everything, and attends the same school again. The girl freaks out, but somehow, even with everything, he is still not gone! He still got a major crush for the poor protag tho.

THe girl thought that that was it but no, more people just so happen to have an attraction for her and they are all yanderes! There goes the girl's life.

SO i wanna have the yandere's be like, the common tropes but atleast one or two unquie. I want ta include like middle school twins, a lesbian, and a player. all wrong in the head of course.

aND SO, I wanna make those romantic and fluffy scenes that make thE readers go doki doKI BUT LIKE, the protag is way too terrified and freaks out and makes it all unqiue ya know???

Anyways, that all for now so like, tell me what ya'll think.

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