Club Festival

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"Alright! Class for Today our school will have Club Festival for some of the students to apply which club they will join, so all of us will half-day of school for today", hearing this everyone in the class scream with excitement, not knowing what happen you blank out. Luckily Sohee being the helpful tablemate explained it again to make you understand. 

"So Y/n which club are you joining, you can join my club which singing", she offered you.

"Erm sorry I can't really sing", you lowly said to her. 

"Then would you wanna have a look in my club?", you don't see a reason to try and have a look, you nodded while she brings you to the club. Watching some of the students run off to the club to their duty to promote to recruit the students in school. 

You went inside the music room and damn the room felt so cold that you shook a bit due to the cold. 'Thanks to my hoodie it helps me warm my body a little' you brought your palms together to warm up your body temperature. 

The both of yall took a sit as there is a performance about to start. The performer that seems familiar to you 

"Oh is that golden retriever girl who is it again?", you asked the girl beside you. 

"Yeap that's Yujin she's also in the singing club a representative of our club performing for the Club Festival", you continue to watch the performance and observe Yujin's singing

The way she performs is filled with full of confidence and you could really feel that she enjoys it too. She even smiles while making eye contact with the audience attracting their attention while her vocals soothe the audience's souls. With that, the performance comes to an end, every audience clap for the performer, and Yujin gave a big smile. 

Before going off, Sohee wasn't beside you anymore so you don't know what to do next. Without waiting any further, you just wander off yourself looking around the different clubs they have. You spotted one of the girls Jiheon and Do Ah that you've met during lunch she's doing a skit in the theatre club. 'Oh so both of them is doing theatre' you take a quick look before walking past the club. 

Continue looking around the clubs the loud voice girl appeared in front of you which seems to look like a floorball stick and a jersey, giving a slight heart attack.

"Yo Y/n whatcha doing wanna have a look at my club?", you gave a nod and followed her. 

"So have you decided which club you're joining?", curiously asking you. 

"Not yet why?", she looked at you. 

"Just asking", she gave a smile while you continue to follow to wherever she bringing you. 


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