Sodapop for @sodapop_lover

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What is air? That is the only thing that swirls around my head full of grease when I see my best friend Sodapop Curtis, the man that makes every women fall to their knees and open their pants. His smile could prevent wars, his laugh could cure cancer, and his eyes could be light that guides our world out of darkness. The slight crisp in Tulsa, Oklahoma's air causes Soda's greased hair to slightly flop and his eccentric eyes to squint. My breathe suddenly shakens, it's not only his chiseled jaw, or his movie-star looks, but it's also him, what he likes, what he does, the way he walks, I guess I'm in love.

" strawberry shortcake," he sang teasingly in my ear, which caused my thoughts to suddenly diminish.

"Pepsi-cola," I smiled back.

" you have a great smile," he said, moving a piece of my strawberry blonde hair out of my face, so he could see my forest green eyes.

" thank you, so wh-what's new?" Ugh, what's new? What's new, that's all you could think of, really Cortney? I couldn't think straight when he had just complimented me, of all greasers.

" well, ponyboy just wrote this amazing story and I have a day off of today and I am forcing you to spend it with me, oh and Darry got a new job," he said excitingly.

" First off, all Of pony's writing is always amazing and I want to read it. Second, and what if I don't want to hang out with you, just kidding I don't have anything else to do. And third, tell Darry I said congratulations." He looked at me with mischief in his eyes, this is not gonna be good.

" I have an idea, let's go," he said clasping his hand around mine, leading me to an unknown destination.

" oh great, you and your greasy ideas," he glanced over, eyes sparkling, they kept drawing me in. I looked down at our hands and tried my hardest not to smile as wide as I could and turn bright red, I could feel the heat running all up my hand. I could hear water near by, many thoughts came into mind, what is he planning? After five minutes of birds chirping and sounds of our footsteps hitting the cemented sidewalk, we reached a river.

" What are we-," I began to ask, but was soon cutoff by the famous DX employee.

" swimming, we are going swimming," his teeth were so damn bright, his lips were plump, and his eyebrows raised in question of approval.

" No, I don't have a swimsuit and I just did my hair," I said instinctively covering my hair. This is where he took his advantage to pick me up from the waist and pull me over his back.

" well, I'm well overdue, and it's not the end of the world, but you don't really have a choice, do you?" He said laughing at my struggle. Then he put his Jean covered calves in the water and he dangled he over the water, the water threatening to envelope me in.

" put me down, put me down!" I screeched while giggling.

" 3!" He screamed.

"2!" I pounded the middle of his back.

"1!" His back awkwardly bent forward, thrusting Gina and I forward, splish, splash. Once I reached the surface, I slid my hands on the side of my hair, moving my hair behind my ears.

" I can't believe you just did that! I can't beli-" I was cut-off by a certain hotties lips. Is he kissing me? Yes, yes I feel it. What do I do? Kiss back, yeah, kiss back. The feelings are too much to handle, they are unexplainable, the Sparks, the butterflies, the passion. He smiled into it once I began to play with the hairs on the back of his neck. We were both panting when we had to part.

" wow, I, well..," he began scratching the back of his head," I wanted to ask you something before I did that, but it was your smile and the way your hair looks swept back."

" yes," that's all he needed, three letters, one syllable, that's all he needed to break into a dazzling, warming smile that may or may not give me a heart attack.

" you will be my girlfriend?"

" Did I not just answer this?" I said playfully, he seemed surprised, but nonetheless he grabbed my waist and pulled me close before, well, you know kissing me, over and over.

It's amazing how even though he has been my best friend since grade one, nothing seems awkward, the fact that now we will be together, or going steady Isn't a weird thought to me. We slowly swim to the edge of the lake and linger in the grass. The day couldn't have gone any better, between the kisses and then ogling eyes, we shared laughs and just overall happiness. I can't fight this feeling of overjoy. Cheers to grease.

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