Day in the life (1956)

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Hey! Tell me what ya think!

            " Why would I go out with you? You don't even have a car!" Her hair was bursting with hairspray.

"C'mon baby, lets agitate the gravel," Michael Temper, the richest guy Pine creek, he was the jock in high school, and he was the boyfriend of Mary Lee Jane, you know the type, beautiful, blonde, and untouchable.

" I told you it would be a bad idea to ask her out," Paul, the guy I grew up with, said. Meanwhile the rest of my friends, John, James, and Richard were all cracking up.

"I can't believe you just did that," Richard said between laughs that surely caused sever abdominal pain.

"C'mon man, you should have waited till your parents buy you a car!" John explained grabbing my shoulder and walking through the hallways of "Pine high", the other guys were behind me.

" Cut the gas, his parents won't ever get him a car, it's 1956!" Paul reasoned. We had all stopped at our lockers, which were all next to each other, the teal paint shinier than ever. James waved his hand at Paul.

            "Exactly! 1956 is the year this ankle-biter turned 16," James looked over at me, "don't listen to Mr. bad news, it won't do you any."

"Wait, aren't you already licensed?" John asked stupidly, we all turned to him, had he really not been here for the past ten minutes, or for the last year?

" Anyways, are we hanging at the diner tonight? The big step-dad gave me some bread." James recited that line every Friday afternoon,

" Yeah, I don't want to be home tonight." John said.

"Nah, man I got to hang with a little dolly tonight, my dad's boss' daughter, you know the drill, but I'll meet ya guys there." Paul said.

" Yeah, yeah, you'll be having a blast tonight," Richard began laughing again at his own jokes, while Paul turned red.

"Well are you coming with us tonight or not Richie baby?" James mimicked Richard's mother's voice and made silly kissing noses. We all joined in

" C'mon Richie poo!"

" Yeah, yeah, I'll be there." He said.

The bell rang loudly, Puffy skirts, swinging pony's, scented perfume, and varsity jackets invaded the hallways, paper planes flying around, lockers banging, girls and boys ready to relax for a few days.

I must have been standing there for merely a minute, just staring off into space then I heard my locker slam.

" Hey Kevin, whatcha doing this weekend," Janet's voice purred.

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