Sad sodapop

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Sodapop Husband Imagine

Brown, long, thick, greasy hair paired with magical blue eyes; he is a creature made from heaven and he's mine, Sodapop Patrick Curtis. I can't hardly believe that today I wake up married to the guy of every girls dreams, especially mine.

"Good morning Mrs. Sodapop Curtis," he said groggily in his sexy morning voice.

" Correction its Mrs. Kiamber Eleise Curtis," I giggled.

" I think I can deal with that Mrs. Curtis, I like the sound of that," he smiled and pecked my lips.

" I like the sound too, Mr. Curtis."

He laughed and smiled widely, I love him.

----- A few months later----

Being married, so far, has been the most amazing experience of my life. Everyone says that marriage is hard, but I don't see that, I love him and he loves me, isn't that enough?

" Soda, Babe I'm not feeling to well, do you think it was Two-Bits cooking?" All I heard after that was laughter.

" It probably was, now I hate to leave you here, but you know I have to work so we can eat, I love you," he said looking worried," Pony watch after Mrs. Curtis." He bent down and kissed me.

" Soda you know you can call me Ki," I slapped his shoulder playfully. With that he left and Pony shook his head and asked if he could get me anything.

" Hmmm well, I don't want to scare you but, I mean I'm not completely sure, listen can you get me two pregnancy tests?" I said blushing from embarrassment. I mean I don't think I'm pregnant, I'm only 23 years-old, I mean yes I didn't take birth control because it was too expensive, but that cant mean I'm automatically pregnant.

Pony looked at me surprised and suddenly he smiled widely," You're gonna have a baby?? I'm so excited, yeah ill buy you the tests."

'"Pony could this be a secret?" He could see the worry in my plain deep brown eyes.

" Of course, I'll be back."

"Okay." He left, only for a few moment though, I was very nervous, but grateful that Pony took it well, who knows this could just be a false alarm, right? I hope it's a boy. What if I have twins? Or triplets? I hope if I am pregnant that they have Sodas eyes and his personality. I have to relax.

" I'm back," he said while handing me not one, not two, not three, but four pregnancy tests. He saw the humor on my face.

" Just in case," he said worried. I stood up and thanked him.

" Let's get this over with."

" Do you want me to stand by the door?"

" Yes I really do, pony," I walked into the bathroom petrified, I didn't want to see the test, so I called Pony.

" Can you read me the stick?"

" Yeah," he looks at it and says," This is terrible! You're going to have to name it Tyler."

" What?"

" Look there is a ' t' on the stick so you have to name you kid something with a 't'." He said angry.

" Pony, that's a positive sign, that means I'm pregnant," I said happily.

"Ohh, congratulations," he said while picking me up and hugging me.

" We need to keep it a secret for a little while longer, okay?"

He nodded.

---- A week later-----

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