Creative writing

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okay do for my creative writing class i had tol be blind or deaf for one hour and then write a narrative and and expositiry paper on it and i wanted to share. i decided to be deaf btw. and i made my story up since nolo one talked to me *cries*. (SOORRY FOR ERRORS)



     I’m just sitting here. Here is a crowded room. Seeing peoples mouths move but not hearing any voices, or glasses clanking, or shoes tapping against the floor with each stride, or anything for that matter. I’ve never felt so alone in a crowded room, with only myself to understand, too bad I don’t. I feel as if I’m in a daze, like im floating in a room, it feels so incredibly fake. Like the world has distanced itself from me, like I’ve been left behind, until someone approached me. But then I remembered I am unable to hear. As they were saying something I would never know, I thought why not make my time less miserable? As I turned my attention back to the woman that approached me, I quickly nodded and walked away. She would understand, right? I thought trying to reassure myself. I looked back to see a look of confusion written all over her face. Okay, maybe she didn’t understand, and I just don’t feel like trying to explain it to her. Then I decided to cower into the opposite corner of the room because it seems like a safe place to creepily stare at people. Then I laughed, this is what it has come to, huh?      

         I scanned the room until my eyes landed on a boy and a girl, no older then 17 both of them. Man I could feel the awkwardness between them. Hmm I guess it’s the first date; give them a break, I thought. So I continued observing them. The boy looks as if he just ran a twenty-mile race in ten minutes and the girl is awkwardly looking down. Then I see mouths moving, if I cant hear them, then why not make up what they say? Hmmm that’s a very good Idea, I evilly thought to myself. I imagined this whole scene out of a cliché eighties movie like the secret admirer or little darlings. I imagine the guy telling her she looked beautiful and how she’s the only he he sees, and she blushing and giggling nervously at the comment. He asking her for a dance and them swaying across the room to “cant help falling in love” by the king, feeling as they were the only two in the room, no universe. Him looking at her smile and her eyes giving him the look, not the look of anger but the look of love and excitement, waiting for him to make the first move.. And in that moment I realized some moments didn’t need words, the actions spoke loud enough.




         I was recently assigned a project. A project where I had to pretend to be blind or deaf for one hour and write about the experience. I didn’t really think much of it; in fact I thought it would be pretty easy, boy was I wrong. I chose to be deaf because I thought it wouldn’t affect me much, that I would just read peoples mouths and everything would be fine and dandy, until the party came along. See it was a Friday night, a Friday night that I had plans to go to a party. Once in the car I was planning out my weekend and I saw I wouldn’t have much time, so I decided to work on a little homework, creative writing homework to be exact. What I didn’t know was that I would also be learning a very valuably lesson and experience that I will carry on for the rest of my life. When I arrived I put on headphones so I couldn’t hear anything. And hear anything I didn’t. Then when I walked in I could just see the glasses clanking, the heels tapping, the musicians playing; yet I couldn’t hear them, it was like I was expecting for the sounds to come to my ears but it didn’t. Honestly I am not going to lie, I was freaking out a bit, I could now imagine how some deaf people can one day be able to hear everything and the next they can’t hear even their stereo blasted on ten. It’s a very scary moment, but see I could end that moment by simply taking off my headphones, but deaf people cant take end that moment, they live in that moment for rest of their lives (if they aren’t temporarily deaf.) They cant simple take off their headphones because they aren’t wearing any. That’s what kept me from taking my headphones off, Knowing that I am fortunate to be able to hear, even if it was just the wind whispering into the night because there are a number of people who cant, but who can only imagine what it sounds like.

         There are always pros and cons to everything whether it is being deaf or eating ice cream. Some pros to being deaf is that your sense become sharper, for example in my experience after ten minutes my sight became sharper, I saw every little movement, every little detail. Another pro is being able to imagine everything. See if I hated the sound of a train, I cant change that sound, but if I didn’t know what a train sounded like then I could make up how I think the sound sounds like. Its like making up the world the way you have wanted it and imagined it, I think its wonderful and creative.

         When I was temporarily deaf my favorite thing to  was observe people and conjure situations and scenarios. I came up with many, many scenarios where I imagine the characters falling in love for the first time, where the husband makes up with the wife, where the old man asks his wife to dance, even when the brother stops tormenting his sister all with the actions I saw. Once the hour was over I realized how difficult it was to be deaf, even if it was only for an hour. Even though I had some great moments and realizations, I also had some scary and sad moments. I honestly have grown so much more respect for the deaf and I learned that actions speak louder than words. I will never forget this experience for as long as I live.


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