Steve Imagine

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                                                                        STEVE IMAGINE

                                        ( sorry for the errors)

         Adrenaline- noun, a hormone secreted by adrenal gland: a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands and by some nerve endings that increases the speed and force of heart contraction. And right now this is coursing through my veins. Hi I’m Amanda and I’m about to be in a Greasers V. Socs rumble…or so I thought. What I mean is Dally (my best friend), Two- Bit (My older brother), Steve (my crush), and I are fighting on the matter of if a girl should participate or not. Stupid boys, I thought.


“Amanda, listen, its gonna be rough, real rough, I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Steve said while smiling, Gees’ his smile could stop war! Stay strong Amanda, stay strong.


“ Steve I’ve been in rumbles before!” I said arguing.


“But this is different!! I’m not gonna have your life at risk!” Two-bit said, his voice laced with seriousness. What’s going on? Two bits never serious, am I missing something?


“I’m going, whether you like it or not! Pony’s going why can’t I? Give me a real reason, being a girl isn’t a reason it’s an excuse,” I yelled. All of them just looked at each other, I knew I was winning this argument.


“Okay its settled im going,” I said smiling innocently.


“If you get hurt, I swear,” Dally responded.


“No promises.”


“ Oh my! Lets go before I change my mind,” Two- Bit growled. Amanda-1 Two-bit-0. On the way to the rumble, Steve and I stayed behind Two-Bit and Dally (who where getting roweled up.)


“Are you nervous?” Steve asked sweetly.


“No,” I said while biting my nails (nervous habit.)


“Then why are you biting your nails?” he said, challenging me. I looked down and subconsciously took my finger out of my mouth. How did he know that was my nervous habit?


“Okay, so maybe im a little nervous,” I said giggling nervously, of course. He just smiled and I instantly relaxed and smiled back.


“ You will be okay, its no weapons. If you get hurt or stuck and you need me just shout out, okay?”

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