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Johnny Imagine

Hi I'm y/n and im a greaser, a proud one. I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, born and raised. My childhood best friend was and still is Johnny cade, lately I've been noticing that I have loved the puppy eyed menace for well since birth. He gives me happiness, he is always there for me, he gives me years added on to my life with laughs, and he gives me memories that I pray I will never forget.

Today is Christmas Eve and I am so excited for tonight when the whole gang meets up at the Curtis house, we always have a blast. Last year two bit spiked the eggnog Darry was drinking; man does Darrell have a sense of humor. We all sit down for some dinner, gift exchanges, talks, and the Mickey Mouse Christmas Special. I am so fortunate to have this family, maybe we aren't the same blood but these are the people I love and would do anything for and I know Johnny feels the same way.

I am currently drawing a blank because I want to look especially good for Johnny.

" y/n you look great in everything, don't change for Johnny, come on he will love it," my other best friend, Dallas said.

" I don't know Dally, I want him to really see me differently," I whined while slipping on my black high waisted ripped jeans and my red cropped sweater, finishing it off with my matching converse that Johnny got me last year, like friendship shoes.

"How's this?"

" Aw y/n you look beautiful," he said truthfully. You know something? All the "roughness" coursing in Dally's veins guides you to a big mushy marshmallow.

"Thank you Dallas," I said while hugging him, "let's go."

Once we arrived at the Curtis house our eyes met, it wasn't the usual eye meet, it was electric, intoxicating; I felt alive.

"Wow uh, h-hi y/n, you, you look great," he stuttered, I blushed.

"Oh thank you Johnny, you don't look to bad yourself," I said embracing him in a hug.

Throughout the night Johnny would get up and go into the kitchen with Soda pop, that's when Dally would comfort me and say I was doing just fine. After Johnny left for the fifth time, I was getting annoyed so I got up, Dally hot on my heels and walked into the kitchen.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I said curiously.

"I haven't been avoiding you," he stated. While Johnny and I were arguing, soda pop and Dallas were looking for mistletoe; Dallas being impatient gave up and took apiece of paper and wrote "Damn Mistletoe" on it then taped it above our heads. Slowly Johnny and I looked up and giggled, then what I've been waiting for actually happened, soda pushed Johnny into me and his lips brushed against mine in a way I never thought could happen. My body ignited with heat all over, I felt weak to my knees and I wanted more. Once we pulled away I heard a click and a flash blinded my eyes, it was a photograph, a beautiful photograph. Johnny took my hand and we all went back to the couch were we exchanged gifts and watched the Mickey Mouse special. Two-Bit had bought us matching shirts mine said " Mrs. Mickey" and Johnny's "Mr. Mickey." We looked outside to find snow, which none of us can resist, so we all ran outside in the night and had a snowball fight. Some stories do have great endings, mine did, me and Johnny together. The night ended with Johnny stealing a kiss. Merry Christmas.

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