Chapter Four

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Kousuke tilted his head to the side as he tried to listen to his teacher and not the flirtatious whispering coming from the girl and the new kid three desks away.
The amount of mushy, lovey dovey things they were saying to each other had Kousuke wanting to gag, not to mention the fake things the bastard was telling the poor girl who was non the wiser, anything with a pretty face and nice body always gets them hot.

Che. Girls.

Sometimes he wished he didn't have super hearing, it made things a bit more simple. His eyes suddenly narrowed, just because this guy feels he's some hot shot punk, doesn't give him the right to play with a girls heart, no matter how rotten said girl is.

The bell rang, signaling the start of lunch, Kousuke wasted no time in grabbing his already packed stuff and hightailed it out of that classroom, anymore of that gross stuff and he was going to lose it.

Spotting his twin cousins walking just a bit ahead, Kousuke made a beeline for them, throwing his arms around their shoulders as soon as he was within reaching distance.

"Kou! How much times must I tell you not to do that?." Ikumi scolds like the mother hen that he really is.

Takumi on the other hand merely removed one hand from his pocket and tapped Kousuke on the temple with his knuckles.
"Dont make him nag."

Kousuke bursted out laughing as Ikumi pouted at his twin, bottom lip sticking way out.
"Taku, that's mean."

"When am I even nice?." Said guy retorted, he yawned as they all turned the corner to the stairs leading up to the rooftop.

"True, but its more fun to tease Iku a bit more than others." Kousuke grin.
Ikumi pulled away from both of them, sliver eyes sending them both a glare as he huffed and started taking the stairs, two at a time.

"Awww! Dont be like that Sliver eyes." Kousuke called, he and Takumi following at their normal pace.

"Dont talk to me, both of you." Ikumi sneered.

"I think we wounded his ego." Takumi smirked, looking up and locked eyes with his brother, Sliver on Sliver.
"Want me to kiss it better?."

Ikumi's face exploded in red, he immediately turned around and raced up the last remaining stairs and slammed the roof door behind him, ignoring the laughter coming from his brother and cousin. They were both being damn jerks as usual.

But even if his brother was just teasing him.... why was his heart beating so fast?.

Friday afternoon found Ikumi with Kanda, pulling a shopping cart through the supermarket to stock up on snacks for their little weekend trip.

"Dad?." He called, wringing the edge of his sweater in his hands.
"Can I ask something?."

"Hn, what is it?." Kanda asked, stopping in the aisle that were loaded with all different kind of assorted goodies.

Said boy opted to snuggle against his father's side, staring at the large jars of cookies along with his dad.
"I..." He stopped, taking in a much needed deep breath, he let it out slowly as he felt his dad's arms wrap around his shoulders.

"I think I may have known.. I mean I had suspected it for a while but I wasnt really sure..." He looked up at his father's face, who was looking down at him patiently.
"Daddy...... Taku and I....we're gonna be mates...arent we?."

Hearing his son call him daddy instead of the usual Dad made Kanda realize just how conflicted his son must be feeling.
Good thing he saw this coming a while back so he was prepared for this conversation.

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