Chapter Nineteen

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The weather was out to get him today it seems, Caden thought as he felt his skin literally radiate heat, fortunately he wasnt tasked to dress in a over stuffy suit overflowing with wires hooked up here and there. He considers it a blessing.

It's been exactly three weeks since he had made the decision to leave the Millers, the best decision he has ever made in his life if anyone asked. There was no getting yelled at for the things that he most certainly didnt do. It was a nice change of scenery.

Currently he was stationed at the school, appointed as the kids new guardian. Ha, how laughable, as if those little Demons needed a guard in the first place, it's more like the people who wanted to do them harm needed the protection in the first place.

He was tempted to rip the clothes he had on right off, why was it so god damn heated today. Was the sun broken?.

"Oh hey, you..!."

The familiar voice of a very familiar brat called out to him, making Caden snap his head in the direction he could hear footsteps coming from. Gaze landing on the group of de-..... ahem, boys coming his way.

Caden eyed the small plastic bag that was hanging from the red heads wrist, taking the little details as well, how their school uniform had small bits of grass clinging to the fabric, hair windswept and the almost lazy look on their faces.

"You all snuck out of the school." He phrased it as a statement instead if a question, eyes narrowing at the way the taller boys to the back started glancing away from him, the window seemingly more interesting.
"Well?." He asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Relax would you." Kousuke said moving towards, hand digging into the plastic bag, pulling out a orange flavored lolly, holding it out to Caden rather proudly.
"Its not like this is the first time we've done this."

"First time for me, excuse you." Drew muttered.

Kousuke ignored his cousin's grumbling, choosing the exact time that Cadem opened his mouth again to shove the now open treat inside. He ignored the way Caden glared even though he obediently bit down onto the cold lolly.
"There, now all you have to do is say thank you and appreciate it."

Ceden reached up to pull the ice cream out of his mouth, other hand moving forward to grab Kousuke's cheek, tweaking it painfully to the right, making said boy yelp in protest.

"Hey! Let go you damn bully!." Kousuke whined, battering at Cadens .arm, reminding himself not to put too much strength into his hits.

"Havent anyone ever told you not to shove things into people's mouth when they're about to speak?."

"I didnt hear him speak." Takumi piped up with a smirk.
"So that arguement is irrelevant.."

If it's one thing about these buggers, is that they have always got each others backs
"That's rude, defending the culprit is also rude."

Kousuke finally pulled away from the man with a huff.
"I should bite you for that." He muttered, making a grand show of rubbing his cheek.

"Yeah, do that later Kou, let's go before the teacher actually realizes that we're missing." Chris said grabbing onto said boy's arm and pulling him down the corridor.

Caden watched as Chris whispered something into Kousuke's ear, making said boy smacking his arm, Takumi and Ikumi laughed from behind him, as if they could actually hear what it was that he said.

Ethan sighed.
"I wish we could at least have AC in the classroom." He muttered fanning himself with his T shirt.

"We could always break into the principal's office." Ikumi smirked.

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