Chapter Six

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Kanda looked up from where he was trying (keyword; trying ) to concentrate on the crap load of paper work he had to go through but couldnt seeing how what his kids told him last night was still running through his head.

Why was it, how his kids described the man sounded so familiar? The answer was at the tip of his tongue yet it refused to come out. He leaned back in his chair with a huge sigh, wondering if he should just give up on paperwork and just go home.
But, knowing his brother, Alma would have eaten his head if he ditched now.

Disadvantages of owning a company with your workaholic brother. Che.

A single knock was heard at his door before it was pushed open without waiting for a reply.

Lavi entered the room with a skip in his steps, a random tune being hummed as he skipped up to Kanda's desk.

"Yuu-chan~" The annoying rabbit of a brother in law sang, placing a heap of papers on the desk like a peace offering, to which it was really, because Kanda immediately snatched it off the surface with lighting speed.

"This is it? Everything is in here?." He asked, fingers just itching to open the damn files already.

Lavi grinned, though his eyes held a look to it, the way his eyes darken was something Kanda was so very familiar with.

The look of utter bloodlust.

Now Kanda just had to open this, Takumi had described the man so very well to Lavi that it wasnt a surprise to see the red head Usagi produce results so quickly. Something Kanda was thankful for.

Kanda flipped the first page open, eyes skimming along the words. Lavi watched as his brother in law's face started to turn dark at a rapid pace, fangs extending until they touched his lower lip and eyes glowing a deadly red.

"McQueen..." Kanda growled, a lisp sounding from his lips.
"That son of a bitch is the one giving my husband a hard time." Now it makes sense, the way the kids described the man fit so perfectly, the cocky, arrogant attitude down to a perfect T. This man was someone they had a contract with, never would have Kanda imagine it would be him.

"Yes, Kousuke said that he was rather persistent with Allen. " Lavi huffed.
"Though I'm sure if he had pushed his luck anymore further, the kids would have killed him."

He wouldn't mind if they did. Kanda closed his eyes and took a long, deep inhale to calm the fuck down, there was Human employees here as well as Creatures, he wouldnt want a human to see him like this at all.

"Ikumi said he took the news of them being Arren's kids pretty well, only means that he wouldnt give up so easily. " He grunted, running a hand through his hair, messing it up even more.
"Why do crap like this always happen to my mate?."

"Well.. Allen is small and extremely cute... and his eyes are a color not much I guess  I can see the appeal." Lavi tilted his head with a finger on his chin, pretending to think as he ignored Kanda's glare aimed at him.

"Are you trying to make me kill you?."

Lavi waved his hand in dismissal, flopping down onto one of the chairs there.
"So, what are we going to do then?."

Kanda stapled his fingers together and placed them on the desk, leaning forward to prop his chin there.
"Takumi said that the new kid apparently is McQueen's son, he also said something about sending him to give the twins and Kousuke a visit."

"And what did my little munchkin say?."

Kanda gave Lavi a deadpanned look for calling his son a little Munchkin, Takumi would have blown a gasket at hearing that.
"He told him to send his son, He'll just returned him with broken bones and missing teeth."

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