Chapter Eighteen

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"...What exactly do you mean by that, sir?." Caden asked slowly, eyeing Kanda like he was trying to lure him into a trap, Kanda cant really blame him if he thinks that way.

"Its not something I should be discussing in a school hallway." He said.
"Not for little children's ears." He smirked, giving his kids a teasing look.
They merely stuck their tongues out at him in return.

"What is it about?."

Kanda  held up his hand, ruffling Chris and Ethan's hair before he pressed kisses to His four kids foreheads, Kousuke beaming up at him brightly, he always loved when his Uncle Yuu showed him affection.

"I'll see you kids later at home, okay." He said pulling back, turning to nod his head in the direction of the doors, indicating to Caden they should get a move on.
"Now then, let's talk business."

Takumi merely smirked as he watched his father walk away, something tells him that things were going to be Interesting.

Caden Hatteway, 23 years of age, came from a single parent household, with two younger siblings to help take care of, to say that he needed his current job would be an understatement, his mom and him were the only ones working, sending his siblings to school plus helping provide food on the table isnt free you know.

Yet here he was, following the father of the target he was supposed to bring back to Mister Miller and his daughter,  he really should be putting up a bit more resistance but somehow his instincts were telling him that he can trust this Kanda Yuu guy.

They walked straight out the school grounds, pass the stores along the right side of the street they were on until they reached a small cafe not too far from the school itself. He blinked in surprise as the older man held the door open for him to slip in, mumbling a quiet thanks as he stepped inside.

"Order what you want." Kanda said pulling his wallet out of his pocket.
"Its on me."

"That's really okay sir-"

"Order something. "

With the firm tone of voice, Caden had no other choice but to do as told. The amused looking sliver haired man behind the counter was already waiting for him.

"What will it be?."  The petite man inquired, tilting his head to the side as he  waited.
Caden looked up at the drinks menu,  sighing as he looked back down.

"I'll have a white chocolate Chiller."

"Nothing to munch on?."
The smile on his face was honestly tempting Caden to order something to eat as well. He looked back at Kanda however,  only to he waved off.

"Go ahead."

Okay, well he got permission so...
"I'll take a...slice of tart."

The smaller nan hummed in reply, preparing his order, handing it over to him with a pat on the hand, like a father would give their child.

"Something sweet today." Kanda said, his entire mood changing as he came to lean on the counter besides Caden, Who has never seen this man smile until now.
"And my usual."

It seems like he was flirting, or that's what it seems like to Caden. Wasnt this man married?

"Something sweet?." The sliver haired man smiled.
"That's strange, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?."

And he wad flirting back!? What the heck.

Kanda reached over to grab the man's hand, Caden blinking stupidly at his action, and brought it up to his lips for a kiss.
"You should know, seeing how you were right there." Wait, what?!.
"We're borrowing the backroom, mind bring that for me?." He asked letting go of the now red faced man, placing a hand on a stunned Caden's shoulder to direct him.

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