Chapter Sixteen

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McQueen peeled his eyes open when the gates to the little prison he was tossed into creaked as it was pushed forward. Blinking as the light from outside the cell shone directly into his eyes, he blinked rapidly, trying to get used to the new light source after being in the dark all the time.

The sight of a black haired boy had him puzzled. Who was this kid?.

"Oh, I supposed I may have forgotten they were here." Drew  commented stepping into the cell with a small tray balanced in his hand, he looked to the side where the other man was seen slumped against the wall, his head on his chest.
"Takumi. Shouldn't we let him go?. " He asked.

The second the voice registered in McQueen's brain it clicked into place just who it was standing before him.
What? Why was his son being so familiar with that brat, why did he change the color of his hair?.

"I supposed you could suggest that." Takumi responded, stepping in behind him with his hands in the pockets of the ripped jeans he had on.
"I'll help you carry him up-."

"...Andrew..." McQueen croaked, cutting across their little conversation.
Drew's head turned slowly to look at him, his face was devoid of any sort of emotion, his eyes cold as icy and his body language immediately changed.

Drew crouched down to where the man was sitting, placing the tray of food on the floor, letting his hands rest on his knees as he stared at the man who helped created him but didnt give a damn if he lived or died.

"That's not my name."

McQueen looked up, a confused frown pulling at his brows, about to open his mouth and demand that this boy stop speaking nonsense.

"My name is Drew Walker Kanda. And I have no relation with you whatsoever. Please dont act so familiar with me." He said, his voice detached of anything he was feeling that moment.

"What nonsense are you rabbling, boy." McQueen growled, nearly folding in half a second later as a coughing fit racked his body.

"A father doesn't use his son as a pawn to get what he wants." Drew said dully.
"A father doesnt verbally and Mentally abuse his son, a father wouldn't beat his son half to death because that son refused to do the wrong things anymore. A father shows his children love, affection, worries about them, cares about them, encourages them to do the best they can in anything they set out to do." Drew paused, the barest hint of saddest was seen on his face before it vanished, as quickly as it came.
"Though it doesn't matter anymore,  I have made my peace with it." He raised back up with a sigh that indicate that he was so done with this conversation.

"Should have done that a long time ago huh." Takumi said, he was leaning against the door jab, with his arms crossed over his chest and a handsome grin on his face.
"Took you long enough to get rid of that guy." He scoffed, gaze slanting over to where McQueen was staring at Drew with a stunned look on his face.

"Oi bastard." He called watching the man snap his eyes to him.
"Stare at my brother any longer and I wont be held responsible for what happens next."

"..Brother?." McQueen repeated, was his hearing going as well?.

"Yes brother." Takumi repeated, wrapped an arm around Drew's shoulder and pulled him against his side.
"Imagine that huh, the same man you were after to warm your bed has adopted you son and made him his own, ironic isnt it?."

McQueen seem to have been stunned even more, he sat there, staring at Takumi and Drew with a dazed, unfocused look in his eyes, his thoughts were in a jumbled mess and he couldnt make out heads or tails of them.

His eyes seemed to sharpen then, a snarl working its was onto his lips.
"You son of a bitch. " He snarled, staggering to his feet despite how weak his body was.
"You dare to betray me like this, after all I have done for you."

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