Chapter Eight.

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When Andrew peeled his eyes open the next time, it was to the sight of a really pretty ceiling fan, an antique looking piece that fit so well In the room it was in. The next thing he noticed was the pain in his sides was gone. Huh well would you look at that, he wondered what happened, who healed him?.

"You're awake then."

His head snapped to the side, where the door to the room he was in was pushed open. The petite sliver haired man stood there, a tray held in his hands, steaming bowls of what smelled like chicken soup held in his hands.

" I?." He asked.

"Our home." Allen replied, moving forward to place the tray on the bedside table it had in the guest room.
"My husband brought you back to have you examined, imagine my surprise when he said you had two broken ribs."

Andrew flushed in guilt, it seemed that what he wanted to keep secret was already out in the open.

"No need to explain, I already have the gist of what really happened."
Allen reached forward to place the back of his palm to Andrew's forehead.
"You're very lucky that non of those broken ribs punctured a lung."

Andrew wouldnt call that lucky, he means his own dad nearly killed him,

"Lucky? More like really fucking stubborn." Kanda said walking into the room, with two life size koala bears hanging onto his arms.
Takumi and Ikumi both grinned upon seeing Andrew awake, immediately detaching themselves from their father to hound the still injured boy on the bed.

"Look who's awake. Finally decided to grace us with your presence huh."
Ikumi smirked.
"Anything else that you're hiding?."

Kanda rolled his eyes fondly at his son, ruffling the kid's hair as he walked past him to give the boy on the bed a once over, his eyes and nose being the two most important body parts he's using to detect.

"Seems like it was just his ribs that were broken." He announced reaching out to flick Andrew in the middle of his forehead, ignoring the boy's pained exclamation.

Takumi reached out to poke the area that was all bandaged up, snickering when Andrew immediately smacked his hand away.
"Still irritating I see."

"You're the one who stabbed me first, how am I the irritating one?."

"Just seeing your face, makes the irritation in me rise, a complete mystery I tell you." Takumi deadpanned, a ghost of a smirk on his lips.

"Let him rest love." Allen chimed from where he was uncovering the bowls on the tray, steam could be seen rising from the still hot soup, the smell alone made Andrew's stomach growl with hunger. The twins grinned at him and their really tall father smirked in his direction as if the hungry call of his stomach was highly amusing to him.
"You've been asleep for a while, so it's no wonder that you must be hungry."

Allen smiled, bringing the tray closer as Kanda helped prop the kid up against the headboard, laying a hand towel on his lap before he collapsed onto the sofa it had in that room, his sons immediately gluing themselves to his sides.

To Andrew,  the twin's shorter father was a angel sent from heaven, he was so kind and had a motherly personality to him that Andrew couldnt help but be drawn to such aura. Unlike two troublemakers he's gotten to know In the spand of a few short hours.

Taking the first sip of the rich broth in the bowl, Andrew found himself reaching for more, ignoring the twin's snickering at his expense. It was so good...

"Now that you're having your stomach filled." Kanda began, twirling a strand of Takumi's equally dark blue hair.
"I'm gonna have to ask you a few questions."

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