Chapter Twenty.

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"Caden." Kanda called, gesturing for the boy to follow him when his head snapped in Kanda's direction.
Caden hesitated for a minute, glancing down the corridor and back at Kanda.

"Relax, the kids will be fine." He assured, biting back a smirk.

"Its not them I'm worried about, it's the chaos they create the second I take my eyes off them." Caden muttered, yet he followed as Kanda began to walk.
"Is there something wrong?."

"Not particularly. " Kanda shrugged.
"There is something we have to talk to you about."

Caden tilted his head in a confused sort of way, what could they possibly need to discuss with him?
. The kids? He wasn't doing his job right?.

"Oi, I can practically feel you over thinking from all the way here." Kanda called breaking him out of his thoughts, he blinked in surprise to see that they were at the Cafe, had he been so out of it that he was moving on auto pilot.

"Ah, sorry." Caden hurried into the shop, letting the door close behind him as he followed behind the taller man.
"What is it about?."

Kanda shrugged.
"Its nothing too serious. We just need to inform you of a few things, it's about time."

Time for what?

"Caden!." Allen greeted the minute they entered the back room.
"How are you, I hope Yuu didn't give too much trouble getting you here."

Said man clicked his tongue, reaching down to where Allen was sitting on the sofa next to Lavi, too run his thumb along Allen's lips.

"Have a little more faith in me, I didn't drag him here did I?."

"Well, that depends." Lavi started only to stop short as he had to dodge the swipe aimed at his head.
"Tell me that it isn't true."

"It isn't." Kanda deadpanned, taking a seat next to them and gesturing for Caden to sit as well.

"So, let's get straight to the point." Kanda said folding his arms.
"What's your opinion on mythical creatures?."


Caden blinked, was he hearing this correctly?

"Vampires... werewolf... sirens... the likes, whats you're take?."

"They're exactly that...myths." Caden replied slowly, not really sure where this was going.
"Made too scare little kids... isn't that right?."

Allen snickered.
"Well, if you put it that way it makes sense."

"One flaw in that thought of yours kid." Kanda said, He let his eyes bleed red, watching as Caden immediately jerked upright.
"We aren't myths as you say."

Caden stared..... and stared some more. This was real, wasn't it? He didn't fall asleep somehow and was having some sort of weird dream...he hopes not.

He jerked his eyes to the sliver haired man sitting not to far from him, blinking at seeing his eyes glow as well. Lavi was grinning at him, fangs on full display.

"...At this point... I shouldn't be surprised by anything you all show me anymore.." He muttered.

Lavi threw his head back with a loud laugh.
"I knew I liked this kid. "

"We all liked him, Lavi. " Allen said, turning to face Said kid.
"You aren't scared?."

"Should I be?." He asked tilting his head to the side.
"I mean... if you wanted to kill me, that would have happened a while ago."

"Smart kid." Kanda smirked.

"What...are you though?."

Allen smiled.
"Yuu and I are Vampires,  Lavi is a werewolf. Though I was human before I got turned."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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