Chapter Eleven

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"Engaged?." Allen asked surprise and indignation clear In his voice and his face.
"Arent you a bit to young to be engaged?." Really, what the heck was that Father thinking?.

Andrew grunted, taking a bite of his dinner, his cheeks puffed up making him look adorable if Allen had to admit. He waited patiently until Andrew stopped chewing to answer him.
"Its not like I wanted to be engaged at this age, you know." He muttered, adorably grumpy.
"My father is a power hungry asshole and I'm starting to realize that he never gave a damn about me unless it was to use me in his plans."

"And one of his schemes was to get you engaged, so he can get control of half a company?." Kanda asked, eyes raised, from where he was stirring his soba noodles with his chopsticks, something Andrew had no idea how to use.

"Seems like it. "

"Have I mention that I really dont like that man you call your father?." Ikumi groused.
"Cause I really dont."

"Only the few hundredth times." Andrew replied back.
"And he's not my father anymore, the man tried to kill me because I refused to be his pawn anymore."

The table was quiet for a few minutes, it was only the sound of utensils moving or the occasional murmur to pass a dish. It was.... nice, Andrew had to admit, he never got to have a meal like this growing up, he couldn't even remember the last time he ate together with someone else, ever since his parents split(more like his mom walking out on his cheating father.) He has spent most of his meals up in his room. Alone.

Being with the Walker-Kanda family was a new experience for him, one he found he quite enjoyed.

That had him thinking, why did he stay in that house with a never at home father, who never paid him any attention unless it was something he wanted. Was it because he wanted love from his parent? To be acknowledged? Andrew didnt know, he knew however that his father never gave a damn about him, it was only about what he wanted, what he wanted to get his greedy hands on. He could see that so clearly now.

"Still, I think that's utterly ridiculous." The twins sliver haired father said breaking him out of his thoughts.
"How could a father do that to a child?."

"Clearly, not a good father." Takumi muttered snidely, Andrew certainly agreed with him. McQueen certainly wasnt a good father, he never was.

"A child that young has his whole life ahead of him, not to be chained down In a loveless marriage for the rest of his life." Allen was fuming now.
"That horrible, no good man...ughh, now I just want to murder him."

As much as Kanda knew that would be hot, he didnt want McQueen dying anytime soon. He had plans for that motherfucker.

"Now, now no murdering." He said amused the At least not yet went unsaid but everyone could hear it.
"Is there anyway to break the arrangement,  Andrew?."

Said boy shrugged, a warm feeling in his chest at the casual way the elder man addressed him, it made him feel accepted.
"I dont really know, I tried not to think about it to much."

"So if you were getting married to a banshee, you wouldnt think about it?." Takumi snarked.

Andrew puffed up his cheeks as he glared at the boy across the table, wishing he could just reach across and smack him. And from the way Takumi was smirking at him, he could see what he was thinking.
"Why are you so annoying?." He asked with a scowl.

Takumi sent him a fang filled grin. That cocky bastard.
"Who else is going to annoy the hell out of you, better me that any one else you might end up killing. "

"I might end up killing you If you dont knock it off." Andrew shot back, Marry a Banshee? Takumi's imagination was a bit messed up, then again he is a vampire.

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