Chapter Twelve.

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Andrew looked up from his breakfast when the tall dark haired man, Kanda Yuu, he reminded him, walked into the kitchen, shirtless and a yawn pulling his lips apart, revealing sharp fangs to his view.

"Oh look, it's dad, the big bad vampire." Ikumi piped up from besides him, a grin on his face.
Kanda snorted at the tone.

"Brat, dont you have school to go to?."
Andrew watched as he ruffled Ikumi's hair and was shocked when the long haired man ruffled his next.
"Where's Takumi?."

Andrew's scalp tingled when the older man pulled away, a weird feeling in his chest at the way he was so easily included in the everyday life of the Walker-Kanda family.

"Your son is still asleep. " Allen said from where he was flipping an omelet on the stove.
Andrew blinked out of his daze, watching as the older man moved towards his shorter vampire husband, wrapping one arm around the smaller's waist, the other hand coming up to tuck a long strand of sliver hair behind Allen's ear.
It was so mushy and cringe worthy that Andrew couldnt help but think that this was what real love looked like.

He wanted something like that. The thought brought the image of a certain person in his mind and Andrew felt his entire face flush at the implications.

"Cheesy, arent they?." Ikumi asked, shoving a bite of his breakfast into his mouth before he stood up.
"Come on, finish up so we can ditch Takumi since he's being lazy. "

"Is that the only reason that you're ditching your  brother?." Allen asked amused, looking over his shoulder as he slid a small pairing knife out of the holder.
Andrew looked on as Allen make a small nick in his finger, letting the blood pool before settling his hand above the cup of hot coffee, it dripped into the cup with a plop.

"Dad likes bitter coffee, but he says that Papa's blood makes it sweet." Ikumi whispered to him, completely ignoring the question his dad asked him, said man giving him an amused look, as if he knew exactly what his son was doing.
"They're gross, I know."

Kanda's arm wrapped around his son's shoulder, pulling him against his side and planting a solid kiss to his temple, making Ikumi scrunch his nose up, rather adorably.
"If you want to ditch your brother as you say, stop wasting time and get your ass to school."

At that, Ikumi snickered, give his parents a quick hug before grabbing Andrew by the arm and high tailing it out the house.
Andrew waved tentatively over his shoulder as he was dragged away, his eyes burning when the two people behind him waved back.

"Your brother is looking for you."

Ikumi and Chris looked up at the new comer, Ethan stood in front of them with his arms crossed and a look on his face that said if Ikumi didnt cooperate now, there would be hell to pay.

Said boy snickered, having successfully ditching his brother this morning, he managed to dodge him at school as well....

Looks like Takumi was at the end of his patience.

Ikumi sighed, ignoring Chris and his snickering as he got to his feet.
Why must his mate be ugh.
"Alright, alright, guess I extend our game of cat and Mouse a bit to much."

"Too much? Ikumi the minute he sees you, well lets say I don't wanna be around when that happens. " Ethan huffed.

Just thinking about it makes his stomach roll. Takumi would probably not let him go without a good few bruises that he was gonna make sure wouldnt heal so quickly.

"Oi, Pervert."

"Geez okay, I get it." He groaned, running a hand through his equally as blue hair.
"Where is he?."

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