Chapter Seven.

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Allen could remember when the kids were younger, there was an incident where they had taken their little family to a water park, Kanda had taken a day off from work, and Lavi had forced Alma to do the same. He could remember it being as chaotic and fun as every other place they went. Except at that time, one of the pool attendants had taken a liking to Kanda.

Allen could remember the way the girl had stared at his husband, clear lust in her eyes, He didn't bothering trying to stop her, he knew that Kanda Yuu was a faithful man and besides, it's not like he could cheat on Allen. Pfft..

Takumi and Ikumi however didnt take it lightly, the glares his babies sent the poor girl had her flinching everytime she takes a chance to look in their direction. Kanda, of course found it extremely funny.

Now, looking at his twins across the counter on the opposite table from him, bickering over a iced cupcake with Kousuke sitting besides them grinning, Ethan and Chris edging the twins on.. Allen loved his little family so dearly.

The door bell to the cafe jingles as a customer pushed open the door
Allen turned to greet the newcomer, he paused however at what he saw.
The sight of a young blonde haired boy standing in the middle of the doorway had Allen's eyebrow frowning in a way that made him look really strange.

Ethan, who had noticed the Boy first, stared at said individual for a second flat before he reached over and poked Takumi sharply on the cheek.

"What the heck was that for you freak?." Takumi hissed, annoyed that he was interrupted from further arguing with his twin. Ethan merely raised an eyebrow at the dark blue haired fella and pointed a finger in the kid's direction.

Takumi frowned, Following the direction the finger was aimed at and had to blink surprise at Seeing Andrew McQueen standing in the doorway of his Uncle's workplace.

He stood with a huff, and started walking towards the kid whose eyes was darting all around the shop, His Papa smiled with a shake of his head as he watched Takumi stalk across the threshold. He rather liked this turn of events.

"Well this is a surprise." He began, watching as Andrew's eyes snapped onto him the minute he heard Takumi's voice.
"Whatcha doing here?." He asked, reaching said boy, Andrew looked nervous, like one of those victims from a movie who had people following them, his nose twitched however when the scent of dried blood reached his nostrils.

Not wanting to startle the boy, Takumi grabbed him by his arm gently and  tugged him towards the backroom all the while turning his head to shoot Ikumi and the others a look that meant to follow him.
Ikumi scrambled to do just that, grabbing onto Kousuke's arm who in turn grabbed Ethan's who latched onto his brother, they all looked pretty funny, as they followed Takumi like a human train set.

Once the door behind them all closed shut, Takumi wasted no time in pushing Andrew onto the sofa it had there, which earned him an indignant gasp, he ignored that though and proceeded to wretch open the boys shirt.

Kousuke whistled, poking Ikumi in the stomach, who just rolled his eyes and jabbed him in the stomach with his elbow. The Hybrid Clutched his stomach, snorting out a laugh.
Man, it was so cute how Ikumi gets all riled up.

Ethan sighed, long and patient.
"Would you two knock it off, what's so fun--."

"Holy shit." Chris's swear stopped him from completing his sentence and had all three pairs of eyes zeroing onto the boy sitting on the sofa.
The sight of multiple hand shaped bruises along the length of Andrew's chest and his collarbone had their eyes going wide.

"Okay, this was not what I was expecting." Chris mused, hands on his hips.
"Well color me shocked."

"I can paint you green, if you want." Ikumi inquired innocently.

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