expecto patronum

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“Boys?!” I called and they all looked up from their homework and turned around facing me, “as we're all aware it's getting to that time of the month, and no Siri I'm not talking about menstruation, I'm talking about Wolf John Wolf. We've known about this for what? Seven months? And I don't know about you all but I feel pretty helpless so I've been doing some research.”

“Here we go again” James scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

“I was thinking, remember that lesson in DADA about the Patronus charm, well I was reading about animagi and it said somewhere that once we learn to cast our Patronus than that's a crucial step to becoming animagi”

“What's an animagi?” asked Peter confused, as always.

“An animagus is a witch or wizard who can change into a certain animal, they're alike to metamorphagus as they can both change at will however, an animagus can only change into the single animal whereas a metamophagus can change into whatever they visualize.” Remus explained, only just walking into the library and oblivious to the current conversation.

“Minnie should be giving us a lecture on it at some point this year in one of our transfiguration classes, but by then we should hopefully have enough knowledge on it.” I added and Sirius and James looked disappointed, “What?!”

“Why did you know that?” Sirius asked almost disgusted.

“I'm friends with Evans, remember.”

“Missy, you're not suggesting we become an Animagus, are you?” I nodded my head.

“Absolutely not. It'll take lots of time out of our studying, we have O.W.L.S in two years. Not to mention it's illegal” Remus argued

“Come on Rem, if this works it means you won't be alone during the moons and we can make sure you don't get too hurt. Don't you want that?”

“Yeah come on Remus!” Sirius and James chorused.

“Think about the endless possibilities Remus, we could get away with the best of things like stealing food from the kitchen” Pete suggested

“We don't need to steal, the elves happily give us what we want when we ask” Argued Remus

“We'll get away with pranks alot easily”Pete shrugged

“James' family's cloak” Remus said bluntly making me pout. “Fine but the second it goes wrong don't say I didn't warn you” Sweet child of mine, I ain't planning on this to go wrong.

“I found the room of requirement last year, we can practice there”

“Brilliant, Siri!”


We spent the whole of Christmas term researching Animagi and practicing the Patronus Charm over and over again, each time thinking of a different memory.

“Expecto Patronum” we cried in unison and eventually a blue figure appeared above us: shaped as a wolf.

“Amazing. Just how ironic really. I love it” Remus said sarcastically with a fake smile and a forced laugh.

“Expecto Patronum” Two dogs (a Black Mutt and a West Highland Terrier) chasing each other's tails appeared, as well as a stag and a small house rat.

“Look at mine, It's majestic as fuck”

“Sure you are, James” I rolled my eyes but amused at my best friend's idiocy

“You know if you two keep rolling your eyes, they'll get stuck there” he mocked looking at me and Remus

Sirius started to walk away and he held his hand out initiating for me to come along. I followed him up to the common room.

“Siri, what's up?”

“Nothing I'm fine, I just want to know what was the memory you were thinking of when you casted the charm?”

“First year in the library when you introduced me to the boys,when we still had our innocence. We were happy, you were happy.”

“Mis,you know for a fact that we never had our 'innocence' same goes for Moony. I was thinking of the same thing, you know. ” I leaned in to give my little brother a hug and we started tearing up.

“Moony?” I asked him, wiping away the tears.

“Yeah, it's much easier to say than Wolf John Wolf. I was thinking, we should all have cool nicknames now.”

“Okay then, Padfoot” we laughed and fell asleep in each others arms.

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