christmas present

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Regulus's PoV

It was Christmas Eve and I'd just come back from my tutor lessons with Rudulphus Lestrange, I secretly quite liked my tutor sessions as I had done it with Barty and it meant that I was away from all my family drama.

I stood up proudly and opened the door, noticing our scrawny house elf in front of me.

"Good afternoon Kreacher" I smiled at the elf

"Good afternoon Master Regulus, it's a delight to see you today. Young Master, your family await you in the hall"

I nodded at Kreacher after thanking him and before entering the hall. When I walked in, I noticed that the four other Black's were in mid-argument yet again.

"No. Absolutely not. I'm not doing it"

"Sirius you will be doing it and everything will go successfully" he said sternly

"Father, you can't be serious. You have to be joking" Artemis said with some sarce.

"Enough, please. For one, your father does not joke and on Christmas Day Sirius will ask Miss Rosier to wed him" I let out a gasp at mothers statement, "Thank you Regulus for finally deciding to join us"

"This isn't fair, I'm only fifteen!"

"Life isn't fair son, we all make sacrifices"

"You can't do this, it's their life!" Artemis blurted

"This wasn't my idea, belive me I wouldn't want the poor girl having the burden of him as a husband" Mother sent a cold glare at Sirius, colder than the dementor's kiss - I imagine.

"Sirius son, I do hope you'll be a fine husband for the girl" father said digging into his pockets, "here, give her this tomorrow"

He pulled out this gold marquise diamond ring with small details going the whole way around it

"Merlin, that's gorgeous!" Missy's jaw dropped.

Sirius's PoV

After a very very long twenty four hours, it was finally the day where I had to ask my childhood bestfriend to marry me.

At half one, dinner was ready and the whole family was sat around the dinner table: mum at the head and then, Reg, Mis, me, Ez, Narcissa, Malfoy, Rudulphus, Bellatrix, Aunt Druella, Uncle Cygnus, and then dad. Mother was so set on making Esme happy that Ez was starting to get a bit freaked out.

"Esme dear, please help yourself to some Venison" she handed the plate of meat to Esme but she declined and Mis and I snorted," Excuse me, did you find that entertaining?"

"Sorry ma'am for our lack of maturity" Artemis said and kicked me under the table

"Walburga you ought to have raised your children better" Cygnus criticised unhumourusly

"I ought to" she mumbled, taking a swig of her glass, "Do try the food Dear"

"Oh no I couldn't, I'm not a fan of deer, but I'm sure Siri will" she smiled padding my shoulder and Artemis gave her a I-know-what-you're-doing face

"Sorry Ez but I don't fancy eating my bestfriend" I whispered and she giggled.

The rest of the night went the best it could've when you're surrounded by people you hate and two of the people you love most in the world. I went out to the balcony to have a smoke of a pack of cigarettes, which Remus had knicked for me, and I saw Esme alone with a glass of champagne in her hand.

"You're going to damage your lungs, you know" she smirked

"And you're going to damage your brain, what are you doing out at this time anyway?"

"Admiring the stars. Do you see that really faint dot there?" I nodded, "yeah well that's my planet, planète Mercure"



"Do you want to know one of the things I love most in this world?"

"No not really but go one" she laughed

"That dot, your planet et j'adore quand vous parlez français" (and I love when you speak French)


"Esme do you trust me?"

"Ofcourse I do Sirius"

"Well then" I knelt to the ground and pulled out the ring dad gave me out from my pocket

"Sirius Orion Black III, what do you think you're doing?!"

"Do you still trust me?"

"Not when you're acting stupid, that's James's place. Okay I lied yes it's your place as well"

"Esme Vivienne Rosier, would you consider marrying me?" her mouth dropped

"Dude that's not how you ask a girl to marry you. Nevermind. Sirius- we're still in school and you're not even sixteen until next year" she rambled panicky

"Trust me" I repeated



"Okay. OK. Yeah I'll do it" and she dropped her glass and we went into a long embrace

"Thank you" I mouthed

"Thank you" I mouthed

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