surrounded by idiots

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Sirius and Peter had set off dung bombs in Filch's office so I was now on my hands and knees scrubbing the halls of the corridor for detention, as Remus and I had taken the blame for them since the two of them couldn't risk another detention this term: they got five detentions last week alone.

I had to bend over to get the sponge I had dropped as I left my wand in my twin's dorm, I was caught off-guard when two older ravenclaw boys approached us.

“Looking good ,Black” the two boys cat-called

“Oi assholes, you think you can go around harassing girls now that you're graduating next year? Don't try again or one of you might be losing a quaffle and I'm not talking about in quidditch” Remus threatened and the two boys ran off with out saying a single word.

“You could've just left them be, Moony, they were causing no harm”

"No, there's no way that anyone who treats anyone like that should get away with it especially to my Artemis" Remus declared "anyway, Moony?"

I thought my heart stopped beating after that, my face went all fuzzy and I couldn't see straight. “what does he mean, 'my Artemis' ? ”i thought to myself.

“Oh shit I forgot to tell you, the other night when we were discussing cool code names for eachother, when you were studying with Lily, yours is Moony, inspired by you know what”

“Did you come up with this?” I don't know why I did it but I lied and nodded my head.

"I love you, thank it" he spilled awkwardly, “crap. Thank you, I mean”

Detention was finally over and I still couldn't process what Remus said an hour ago. I needed to find the girls so I started to head towards the Fat Lady Portrait but I stopped when I caught Lily, Alice, Marlene, and Dorcas sat in a ring at the courtyard. I joined them and started to explain everything which happened in the detention.

“And you're being serious?”

“No Lily, that's my twin brother. I'm Artemis, I'm older and better looking” I would laugh at my own pun but I couldn't stop thinking about the detention.

“Lily she'd have to be mental to be imagining this, this is Artemis Black and Remus Lupin we're talking about for Merlin's sake, it's not like it's shocking news to anyone!” Marlene exclaimed “we all knew this was going to happen or do you not remember the bets we took in first year?”

“Marlene?!” I blushed

“Right, it is our job to make sure you and Lupin are an item before next Christmas” for Merlin's sake what the bloody hell are Marlene, Lily and Alice planning?

“What? No. Me and Remus aren't becoming an 'item', we're just friend”

“That's what they all say” Alice said with a smirk across her face

“Girls, let fate be in charge, if fate wants the two to be together than they will, no meddling” why thank you Dorcas

“Ugh fine but that's no fun Dorcas” Marlene huffed and the others said nothing.

“Anyway, imagine if he did like me, there's no way Sirius would support the idea”

“Sirius isn't in control of your life, Missy, he just likes to think he is”

“Amen to that, sister” Lily preached and we all blinked at her rapidly, “sorry, muggle things”

The possibility of Remus fancying me started to take control of my day, and it made me completely insane, Feelings are hard.

Remus' POV

“And with that, she just walked off as if nothing happened” I finished explaining the story

“Wow!” Peter's mouth had dropped

“Moony, you're acting like a git” James declared, “honestly you'll be over it by next month, trust me. Besides she fancies our charms proffesor”

James is wrong, I just know it. But what if he is right? For the love of Helga Hufflepuff, who invented feelings and why are they more  difficult to understand than the star constellations.

“Moony, do you really love my sister?” of course I fucking do Sirius, I wish I could tell him how I really felt but even I don't know what I'm feeling, and what if he hates me for it? What do I do?

“Bloody hell, of course I love Artemis, she's like a sister to me” What in the- why did I say that? That's not even remotely true.

“Like a sister, huh?” Sirius questioned, “does that make us brothers then?”

Gosh. I'm surrounded by idiots. And I'm one of them.

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