first date

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Months later

I've been in my relationship for months now and we still haven't gone out together: not even a detention. Ever since Christmas, Peter and the girls have been really protective so it's not like we could've arranged anything. That was until we found out that the boys couldn't go on today's Hogsmeade trip as they're in detention.

"Mis, we're going into Hogsmeade, do you want to come with?" Alice asked, correcting her mascara

"Thanks but I have an ancient runes assignment i have to finish" I lied.

Last night the girls and I had a sleepover in Marlene's, Lily's and Dorcas' dorm celebrating Dorcas' birthday. We even managed to trick the boys into stealing snacks from the kitchen for us: hense why Peter, James and Sirius are now in denny.

"You look nice, Mis" Marlene said. I was wearing a cute blouse I stole from Mary and white jeans (I accidentally stained with melted chocolate from a cookie last week)

"A little too nice for homework" I felt as if i was being interrogated by lily as she sniffed the neck, "and you smell nice"

"Artemis Celeste Black!"

"What?" i asked almost embarrassed

"You're ditching us to go on a date" Alice stated

I tried to deny it but they all knew the better of me.

"So tell us, who are you ditching us for?"

"You won't know them" I lied again

"Is it Zabini? I saw the way he was looking at you at the last party" said Marlene

"And the way he looks at you in herbology" Mary said excitedly

"It's not Tyson, guys"

"Is it Nott?"

"He's out with Maggie"


"He gives me the creeps"



"Diggory" Alice mouthed

"Oh, no i've not met him"


"Ew no, he's too obsessed with Lils"

"Fairs" Dorcas added

"Ugh as if" Lily rolled her eyes

"Who is it then?"

"I'm not telling you" I shook my head before being tackled by Dorcas

"Fuck" I muttered "now I need to redo my hair"

Marlene had high-fives her before being interrupted:

Knock Knock

"Now is someone going to get that" Lily natted, also fixing her hair and makeup. Everyone was busy so I went to get the door

"Hey you've reached Lily's, Dorcas' and Alice's dorm! Please leave a message I could give to them or don't I really couldn't care less, it's not my dorm!" I said to the tall Gryffindor in front of me

"Love, it's me. Your boyfriend, remember?"

"Oh hey. Sorry Remus, I was just getting ready, let me grab my bag" I smiled at my boyfriend of four months before slamming the door at him and getting my bag

"Bye" I waved goodbye to my friends and then left putting my wand in my yellow shoulder bag. I opened the door to Remus; once again

"Are you ready, milady?"

"Ay, kind sir" I responded, linking arms with my boyfriend

"Tell me something no one else knows about yourself"

"That's hard isn't it, considering we've all almost known each other for half a decade"

"Something personal, love"

"My name isn't actually Artemis"

"It isn't?" Remus gasped

"No, It's Apollo"

"Fuck off, babe"

"Fine, tell me something about you then" I said putting down my pint of butterbeer

"Ok then, I was born out of wedlock, the hat was gonna put me in Ravenclaw like my old man, the scar you keep looking at isn't from my problem, when i was wee, my mam fell over and she dropped me into a thorn bush. And I'm deeply and utterly inlove with you, Artemis Black" he paused "I love you"'

"I love you too, Remus Lupin"

As i sat closer, his lips brushed against my own and i felt a weird feeling in my bones. He kissed me and I melted

"You taste warm" I say pulling away, "like butterbeer and cigarettes"

The night grew longer and we ended up in a forest somewhere

"You're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen"

"That's not true"

"It is and you know it" at this point, we were laying under a tree, I was in his arms and he kissed my head simultaneously


"Yes my love?"

"I'm ready for us to become official"

a/n: fun fact it took me 2 months to finish this so i'm sorry it's abit rushed

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a/n: fun fact it took me 2 months to finish this so i'm sorry it's abit rushed

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