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After that day, hangering around the boys felt quite awkward so I spent most days with Esme or with Peter and the girls but today everything had to change before we leave for Christmas.

“James no, I cant”

“I don't understand, there's no point hating someone you love. If I had a sister I'd kill for her and you and Sirius go on hating eachother every other week”

“James you're right you don't understand”

“I don't? Mis, I know everything that happens and so does Sirius now please go talk to him”

“Not now”

“Some point today?” he bargained

“Fine. Deal” I shook his and and he grinned,  “Where can I find Moony?”

“With the two Ms in their room”

After I left James, I went to go further up the tower to the girls' dorm, I knocked on the door but after no response I just entered.

“So here it's is Merry Christmas everybody's having fun”  Remus and the girl belted

“Haha Merry Christmas everybody”

“Merry Christmas, Missy!” Remus stopped what he was doing at the sound of my name

“I'm going to go now” he said weakly whilst packing up his things

“No you're not” I retorted sternly, “Sorry. Rem, we need to talk” I pointed towards the door and started walking towards it. Remus shrugged at the two Ms and followed me.

“What's do you want, Missy?”

“Hey, calm. I just want to talk”

“About?” he answered grumpily

“Remus can you not, the moon isn't for another ten days so there's no reason for you to be in this mood right now!”

“What? I can't be upset without it having anything to do with my condition?

“That's not what I meant, and you know it” I crossed my arms, “you do know that, right?”

“'spose so”he said looking to the floor, “Why are we here, Artemis?”

“Privacy?” I shrugged

“No, Why are we having this conversation?”

“I wanted to know if you were telling the truth when you confessed your love for me dammit!” I blurted - not so quietly

He nodded.

“Ok we're getting somewhere” He smiled gently” “Do you still have-”

Before I could finish what I was saying, Remus pushed me up againt the nearest wall and kissed me; his hands travelling up and down my back.

“I'm going to take that as a yes” I laughed once I could catch my breath

“Possibly” he laughed back, “So…”

“So what?”

“I expressed my feeling and now it's your turn” my chest thudded


“This was a mistake, forget about it” he shook his head and started to walk back into the dorm

“Remus stop!” I shouted and his head shot up again, “I. I. I'll give this ago, us. I'll do it. You and me. Just-”

“You don't want anyone to know?”

“For now” I said sorrily

“Okay, I can deal with that” and he hugged me

20th December 1974

A few hours after Sirius and I (yet again) made up, we were informed by Esme that our mother wanted us home for Christmas which was unusual as ye hadn't been home for Christmas since first year.

“Bye everyone!” I waved to all my friends as Sirius, Regulus, Esme, Peter and I boarded the Hogwarts Express.

“Love you” Marlene and Lily yelled waving back

We'd split into two compartments, Reg in one with a Slytherin girl and boy, and the rest of us in another

“So Pete, I thought you were staying at school over the holidays?” Sirius asked

“Yeah I was but me mam got sick so I'm coming 'ome”

“Pettigrew that's awful, I'm so sorry” Esme said with sorrow in her voice

“Yeah same, bud”

Once we got to Kings Cross we immediately recognised a slim body making her was to us.

“Regulus my sweet boy” She said smothering him

“Hello mother”

“With all respect mother, why are we coming home? We've not been back since Bellatrix's wedding” I asked, trying my best not to sound too ungrateful

“Oh children please, is a mother not allowed to have a Christmas with her family?”

“Something seems off” Sirius whispered and I nodded

“I agree, either she has something planned or she's trying to impress a guest” I subtly glared at Ez

“Both” he nodded

A/N: yes this and the next two chapters are Christmas based. yes it is January currently. yes I am publishing this on my birthday (30/01). yes I did originally write these chapters in august

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