full moon 38

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“He's going to be okay, Missy” Peter said trying to reassure me about last night's full moon

“You don't know that, I have this feeling in my gut that something has happened to him”

Hours went by and there was still no sign of Remus

“Missy, we're off to bed. You should have some rest” James said leaning into a hug

“Yeah whatever”

I was so worried about Remus that it took me ages to finally reach the dungeon. In the dungeon, many Slytherin's were still up, either playing games with one another or studying.

It was a quarter of an hour to curfew, but I couldn't sleep not knowing if Remus was okay

“Artemis” I heard my name being called

“Black” the voice repeated, it was Vanity

“Emma?” I responded

“Can we talk?” I nodded, “In private”

“Uhm yeah sure” I was willing to do anything to clear my mind

“Your friend Potter”

“What about him?”

“He seems different from first year, I don't know but he looks better” she said shyly

“Oh Merlin! You fancy Potter!”

“Black. I don't want the whole house to know” she said coldly

“Don't shush me” I folded my arms

“Can you just forget it, you're already in the bad books with Luce, which also means you're in Maggie's”

“Miiiisssyyyyy” I heard Peter call, waking me up from my nap

“Wormmyyyy” I mimicked whilst yawning slightly

“Missy get up!” He nudged me as I shook my head

“No, let me sleep!”

“Artemis, you've slept the whole of lunch, we have herbology in twelve minutes”

“For Merlin's sake Pete, why couldn't you have let me sleep through herbology!” I whined

“You would've killed me if I didn't wake you up, you know you've nearly done it before” he shrugged and I laughed at the memory

“Ugh I can't believe I fell asleep”

“Rosier told me that you couldn't sleep last night, what's that about?” I rolled my eyes, “Oh”

“Peter, we haven't seen him in two days!”

“Mis, we'll go to herbology, then you'll go to ancient runes and after that we can find James and Sirius and see Moony. Okay?”

I couldn't focus throughout those last hours, still, I was stressing over Lupin.

I noticed my small friends next to the closest staircase

“Oh hey Missy, you ready?”

“What do you think, Pete?”

“Alright calm down, woman”

We made our way up the hundreds of steps that took us to the hospital wing; Peter was now sweating

“Peter you look disgusting, mate” Sirius snickered

“Shut up Siri, it's not like we all spend every free hour we have on the quidditch field” I rolled my eyes

Sirius was about to open his mouth to say something back however, we were approached by Madame Pomfrey

“Can I help you four?” asked the medi-witch

“Lupin, we're here to visit Remus” I said but Pomfrey gave a sorrowful look, “What is it?”

“I'm sorry but Mr Lupin isn't ready for any visitors just yet”

“No disrespect Poppy but we need to see him”

“Like I've said, no visitors for Lupin today”

I heard a groan come from behind one of the curtains which made my heart rate speed up.

Despite knowing that I was going to get into trouble for it I ran into the wing, straight towards Remus' usual spot in the far left

“Miss Black! Come back this instance!”

Once I reached Remus, I froze.



“Oh Moony, what have you done to your face?” Remus now had quite a large scar across his face

“I didn't do it on purpose you know” he said with sarcasm

“Well now I know you're well enough for sarcasm” he raised an eyebrow, “What were you thinking? Two days Remus, two days!”

“Sush Missy, we're in a hospital wing for Merlin's sake”

“I've had enough with everyone trying to shut me up, I'm not a child!”

“Miss Black!” the med-witch called my name once more.


“I'm going to have to ask you to leave” I didn't move, “go, you know you way out”

“I'm not leaving!” I yelled stubbornly


I slowly opened my eyes and tried to rekindle what had just happened, but I had no idea I just knew that me head was killing

“You alright, sis?”

“The fuck I'm not, what just happened?!”

“You were arguing with Poppy so I jinxed you before you got into trouble” he said running his fingers free his hair

“What the actual fuck Sirius I cannot believe you right now!” I shouted before screaming, “go away, I want to be alone.”

“Missy wait, I was trying to protect you!”

“I don't need protecting, I'm the older sibling remember”

“How could I forget!”

“What's that supposed to mean, remind yourself that me being the eldest means nothing. You get the title, the house, the will, I'm just the daughter, you're the heir!”

“I don't want to be!” he yelled

“Oh fuck off Sirius!” he stayed, “Go away!”

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