paint it, black

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Welcome to another year at Hogwarts woo only three more years I rolled my eyes

I was sat between my dormmates Lucinda and Magnolia

"This is piss boring, innit, Luce?" Magnolia also rolled her eyes

"Same boring ass speech four years in a row"

"Oi girls shush!" Snape whisper-shouted

"Oh shut up Severus!" The three of us aswell as Vanity yelled, suddenly the hall went quiet and everyone turned to us

"Thirty house points taken from Slytherin, now where was is?" The headmaster scolded but still remained with his jolly smile.

After a few long hours, the meal was over and all the first years had been sorted, not many sorted into Slytherin.

I walked into the room with the three girls muttering between themselves. The dorm room dark and cold, well it was the dungeon in September but still.

"Ugh now we're negative points" Talkalot moaned.

"Hey, Black" Magnolia waved with a smile

Confused that she was being nice to me, I smiled and waved back.

I started to unpack my stuff into my drawers starting with my uniform.


Slowly my white school shirts started turning into a purpley tone.


"What? I wanted to try out the charm" she shrugged.

"So you decided to try it on my new uniform?!"

"Hey Black chill, we wanted to paint the walls black and Luce is the best at charms out of us three and she just needed something to practice with" Emma started definsively

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes, "let me do it, colovaria" the stone walls started going from a pale tone to a black shade.

"Nice job, Black" I smiled chuffed

I spent hours trying to turn my uniform back to white; it went purple to yellow to orange to back to purple to pink to grey to green to pale blue to red to dark blue, so I gave up for a while and had to get Esme to change them back to white. But now it was the next day and I had to find my friends.

It didn't take me long to find them as they were all sat near eachother at breakfast.

"Alright, Evans"

"Oh shut up Toerag and eat your toast" Lily demanded

I went to sit between Marlene and Remus, and then started to butter my toast.

"Toerag? How long has this been going on for?" I whispered to the two of tem

"Over summer when you and Sirius left"

"That long!" I whisper shouted, Marlene and Remus nodded in sync

"It's a bit shit we have lessons on our first proper day back" Sirius whined

"Oh stop being a baby, Pads!" Remus shouted

I checked my schedule to see what I had today and rolled my eyes again

"What do you have?" Lily asked playfully

"Herbology" I groaned

"Oh don't be silly Mis, herbology is awesome!" Alice bounced up

"OK but not at 9 o'clock in the morning"

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm also in that class"

"And me aswell, same with Sirius and I'm pretty sure Mary Macdonald in in that class too" Peter said giddly

Sirius and I hadn't spoken to eachother much since that night in July and it was now September.

I felt a nudge on my arm

"You okay?" Remus asked me

"Yeah I'm fine"

"That's not what Esme told me, she said you was struggling to sleep"

"I get nightmares" I whispered quite ashamed. The boys all look up to me as a strong witch, they couldn't know what I'm ashamed of the most, "I'm not proud of it"

"Well I'm half wolf so" I snickered at that

"What you two laughing about?" James piped up

"Nothing" we chanted

"Hmm? Well later can we all meet in the common room to finish the map?"

"Uhm I'm not sure"

"Sirius is at detention tonight"

"Okay, I'll be there" I nodded

"What is even going on between you and your brother?" Said Marlene, I started to twirl my fork around nervously

"They had a fight, Sirius told me all about it" James sighed

"No biggy, we argue all the time"

"You haven't spoken to eachother in months"

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