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"Right, Marauders!" everyone raised their eyebrows in confusion

"Left. Wait, who?" the smart-assed one replied

"Marauders, that's what we're calling ourselves: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Terri and Prongs makes up the Marauders"

"Prongs, get to the point. It's free... zing out... here!" Peter said shivering between words

Worridly we all looked at him but also a bit confused.

"Pete, you do realise it's June. Don't you?" I asked.

"Oh don't act like you're not freezing aswell. It's always cold in the castle"

"There's nothing you can't see through is there, Pettigrew?" I winked chuckling.

"Anyway as I was saying, we have a month and a half left before we fully commit our lives to O.W.L.s, so we got to go full out on this next prank because as I just said in September we start O.W.L.s Prep"

"It's always about pranks with you James, isn't it?" I joked and James threw the 'Hogwarts: A history' book at me, he missed.

"Yeah so what? I was thinking we could dye Mrs. Norris Gryff colours?" James suggested

"Brilliant idea, James" Peter clapped his hands and Sirius and Remus cheered.

After what had taken us many weeks to come up with a foolproof plan, we were at Filch's office, and we were so close to executing it.

"There she is, in the back right corner" My brother pointed out.

Remus went to open the door but it wouldn't budge. "It's locked" he said

"And we are magic, silly" I reminded him

"Alohomora" I pulled out my wand from my pocket and flicked my wrist, casting the charm which unlocks the door. Lucky for us Mrs. Norris was in a deep slumber.

Carefully, Sirius placed the colour bomb in between the wretched cat's arms and he slowly paced towards the door.

"Woah, I'm surprised we actually pulled that off" I chuckled but quietly enough to not wake up the cat

"Yeah well done us but we have got to head up back to our common rooms before Filch catches us"

"Remus is right, come on boys we have to pack, train's tomorrow" the boys sighed "I'll see you in the Hall tomorrow, I need to go to the snake pit and pack" I waved goodbye and ran to the dungeons.

The next morning, I headed to the Great Hall for breakfast with all my bags with me. "Yum something smells good " I thought to myself. There was a grand breakfast waiting for me at my table.

"Missy, come sit, we saved you a seat"

"It's alright Siri, I'm going to go sit with Reg and Rosier" I smiled and sat at the Slytherin table. "So Reg, how was your second year at Hogwarts?"

"Amazing I really do love it here. You know what the best thing about it is? Walburga isn't here" I did a spit take on my pumpkin juice, "Next year I'm thinking about trying out for the quidditch team"

"Oh yeah, which position?" I asked my youngest brother

"I would like to play Seeker but I'm fine with Keeper"

"Really? When I was in second year I tried out for Seeker too, and here I am now doing commentary for Snake vs Lion games" I giggled.

"I play chaser, Reg, I'm sure I'll talk to Luce for you" Esme added.

After I finished my food my mood changed completely and tears started flowing down my face. The boys started rushing towards me.

"Hey hey hey hey, Mis what's up?" Sirius asked me wiping my tears

"I- I- I- I don't w- want to go home. I want to stay h- here at Hogwarts" I cried some more

"It's alright Mis, if the Bitch Witch is giving you a bad time you, Sirius and Regulus are welcome at the cottage, we have plenty of rooms to spare" James tried to assure me that we are welcome at his home.

"Are you sure?" I tried to calm down

"Of course mum loves you guys as if you were her own"

"Thank you thank you thank you" I jumped up and gave James a kiss on the cheek.

"Miss Black, Mr Black, Mr Potter, Mr Lupin, Mr Pettigrew and Mr Black off to the docks you go, I don't want to see your faces until September" Minnie shooed us with a smile.


"Kids get here now" mother called

"Alright guys goodbye" me and my brothers said in unison "owl me" I mouthed to the girls and and my boys.

Mother hugged Regulus and I and apparated us home, not saying a single word to Sirius 'The Bastard Son' Orion Black III

Sunflowers & Hot Chocolate | Remus LupinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora