charms and charmings

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Artemis' PoV

“Morning, boys” I sang once I reached the Gryffindor table and started filling my plate up with pancakes and bacon

“Morning, Missy. Did you sleep alright?” Sirius asked not looking up from the food infront of him.

“Surprisingly I did. Before I forget to tell you, guess who showed up to the dungeons last night!”

“Let me guess? Esme Rosier?” he responded

I looked at him curiously wondering how he knew but before I was able to ask, he told me.

“Walburga said before we got on the train, you would've already known if you listened” he scoffed.

My brothers and I call our mother by her first name ever since we lost all respect for her years ago, however, she hated this and often punished us for it.

“Whatever you say, brother” I nodded slightly.

After we all finished our food, James got out of his seat and walked towards the girls.

“Hey, Evans” he said awkwardly

“Oh hi, Potter. You alright?” asked Lily Evans

“Yeah. Er- I've got quidditch practice later, fancy watching?”

“Sorry, Potter, but I was going to hangout with Sev later. You understand right?” she answered apologetically.

“er- yeah ofcourse, see you later I guess” he added

I blinked repeatedly trying to understand what had just happened but then it hit me.

“Oi sis” Sirius called and I walked towards him, “what did James just say to Evans?”

I was reluctant whether I should tell him or not, but Sirius knows me more than anyone, he could tell if I was lying.

“erm–” I began to say

“EVANS REJECTED POTTER!!” an older gryffindor shouted and I heard applauds from the Slytherin table especially from Severus Snape.

I nodded to Sirius as I tried to give a comforting hug to my bestfriend.

“Mis I'm fine, really. I swear to merlin I will kill Frank and his big ass mouth though”

“Come on James, don't be bitter” Remus said almost as if he was trying to avoid the conversation.

I shook my head, gently dropped my cutlery on the plate and bounced up.

“Right, come on James” I beamed and grabbed hold of James' wrist.

“Where are we going, Mis?”

“Charms ofcourse, let's go!” and before he could deny it, I was already dragging him out of the Great Hall, “See you all at lunch, yeah” I ended and Sirius, Remus and Peter raised their thumbs.

Still grabbed onto James' wrist, we entered the Charms class.

“Good Morning everyone. For those of you who didn't have me last year, greetings, I'll be your Charms Professor for this academic year”

The professor was a young lanky man with long dark dreadlocks and a friendly face. He spoke with a warm velvety tone and a smile which lit up the class.

“Please everyone, do sit down.” he instructed pointing at a seating plan. I couldn't have asked for a better seat, I was close enough to be able to see, but not too close that my murmers were still incoherent to the proffesor. James was to the left of me, Dorcas Meadowes was directly in front of me and Lily was a few seats away to my right.

Once we had all found our seats, the professor had us get out our text books, wands and quill; as it was our first lesson of term, he gave us all fresh ink. Over the summer, I had gotten a new quill which had a silver body with emeralds embedded on and a green feather.

“Today you'll be learning the cheering charm. From previous knowledge, does anyone know anything about this charm?” asked the professor.

I turned towards James and he chuckled.

“Oh Merlin, how old does he think we are? Five?” I whispered to him but when I looked up, my eyes met with the professor's.

“Miss... Black, please do share what you just shared with Mr... Potter”

I swolled hard and my chest began to beat rapidly as everyone's eyes were locked on me.

“Ofcourse” I started, “I was just informing Potter that the charm was invented by Felix Summerbee in the mid-15th century.” I faked a smile after the white lie.

“Well next time, please raise your hand when you have something to say” he said but I'm pretty sure he knew I was lying.

Soon the class was dismissed and I had packed all my things away, when I reached the door, I was so only stopped.

“Miss Black can you wait here for a second?” asked the professor and I muttered a mhm. “I want you to know that I don't tolerate lies in my class and I will be taking away ten housepoints from Slytherin”

“I understand, it won't happen again”

“I hope not” he added and his dark brown eyes twinkled

“Is that all?” I queried and he nodded gently, and with that I left the charms classroom.

“What was that all about? And why are you pink?” said Dorcas

“She's got a crush on the professor” I gasped and slapped James around the back of the head

“I do not!”

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