unforgivable curses pt1

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Sirius' PoV
I smother my face with breakfast - a french toast to be exact - and my beautiful fiancé walks in with a broad smile on her face

"Good morning everyone"

"Morning Ez" my sister replied also smiling

"Cut the bull, why is everyone in a good mood"

"Sirius, it's my last exam today," Ez says with enthusiasm

Shit I think to myself

"So what electives have you all taken, then?" Esme asked

"Mis wants to do as much as possible, but who has time for that? Like really"

My sister rolled her eyes, placed her fork on her plate then crossed her arms, "Sirius why on earth did you choose every option, I didn't even do that"

At that very moment, I wanted to reverse time, "You're telling me I chose every option for no reason whatsoever"

"Well now you're guaranteed to at least pass something," McKinnon said

I shook my head at Marlene's remark and told myself I would drop Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Divination.

"So Rosier, what did you take then?" James asked

"All but Divination, the professor's a bitch."


It had gotten to the 4th period, DADA. We all needed a break from studying, especially Mis, she looked like she was going to pass out.

"Alright class today you'll be learning something very important, this is unforgivable curses" Artemis and I tensed, and oddly, so did Moony.

"Professor, is it really necessary for you to be teaching us this, this year?" Moony asked; Missy, mouthed something at him and my brow furrowed.

"Thank you Mr Lupin for your worries but it is necessary you learn this: this year. Especially with the so-called 'Dark Lord Voldemort' and these muggle attacks going around" the class were stunned by what the professor had said "ooooh I've said too much"

"Now can anybody name all three curses?" Professor asked. Marlene nudged me with a you-know-the-answer face but I refused to raise my hand.

Severus Snape raised his hands and the professor nodded at him.

"Go on, Snivellus" James mocked, laughing and Lily gave him a death glare.

"The three unforgivable curses are The Imperious Curse: where the caster takes control of the target, The Cruciatus Curse: used for torture, and The Killing Curse: Murder with a flick of a wrist"

"Very accurate descriptions Mr Snape, 25 points to Slytherin" Snivellus looked well smug after getting those points


For some reason, after that lesson, I wanted to confront Snivellus. There he was, alone with Evans at a tree - our tree.

"Oi Snivellus, you know a lot about unforgivable curses I see," I yelled taking my wand.

"Nice one, James" I smirked

"Potter, just leave him alone," Evans said sternly.

"So Snivellus, ever seen an unforgivable curse in action?" everyone went silent

"Siri, what is your plan?" Artemis asked concerned, to say the least

"Not now, Missy. Just focus on the map, aye" Missy walked off, looking mad "So go on, what do you have to say?"

"No idea what you're talking about, Black. Leave me and Lily alone"

"Fine, but only because Mis is gone so we're a man down. We'll be back" I sneered.

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