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"There isn't alot to spare. Who cares? Whatever we got, we share..."


I rolled my eyes at the door but the door knocked again

"Oh just come in James!" slowly, the door creaked open and in came James

"Is Lily here?" James asked stood in the door way

"No just me and my film"

"And how did you know it was me?"

"Lily's with Remus studying so they won't be back for another two hours, Mary has a key so does Marlene and Alice is in Hogsmeade with Dorcas and Pete. Also Siri and I still aren't talking" I explained, "are you going to just stand there or?"

James jumped under the duvet with me and I we continued to watch 'Oliver!'

"So Prongs, why did you ask about Evans?"

"Don't laugh" I nodded for him to continue, "I was going to see if she wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me"

"Well what are we waiting for, come on she's only in the library" I said jumping out of Marlene's bed

"Don't you want to finish your film?"

"It's okay, I've read the book"

"You sure?"

"Oh James, you're my best friends 'n' all and I love you to bits but you're pissing me off just go"

After cleaning up the girls' dorm, we made our way to the library; which took us longer than we expected as Sirius had the map and we were stuck on the stairs.

"Hold on Missy?" I raised a brow, "I thought you were banned from the library until the new year?"

"We're not here for me, just go in" Before he could argue back, I pushed him into the library, "Good luck!"

I turned on my heals to leave but I stopped when I came across someone.

"Artemis wait!"

"Lupin I thought you were with Evans"

"Was, come with me, we need to finish the map and stuff" he took hold of me and we stopped to face an empty wall

"Well done genius, it's a wall" I rolled my eyes

"Shut up, Missy"

"Sorry but James didn't let me finish Oliver! and-" before I finished, a door appeared on the wall, "holy shit Remus, you found the come and go room"

He put his hand on my mouth to shush me

"Ugh rude"

Remus and I started talking, I told him everything that was going on with me and he had finally told me what had happened during the last full moon.

"Hopefully when we have all this Animagus stuff figured out, you won't be doing that to yourself again.especially not to your face" I smirked

"Why? Do you like my face, Black?"

"Aha no, just it's harder to hide on your face you know"

"You know Macdonald taught me a beauty charm to hide most of them you know"

"Hate to break it to you love but that doesn't look like you can hide it that easily"

"Piss off, Black"


"Moony, can you keep a secret?"

"Go on, Mis" 


"I solemnly swear"

I laughed at the phrase and started to circle explore the room

"Here's the thing, I have this friend who's pretty much  inlove with another friend but doesn't want to say or do anything just incase it'll ruin there friendship however there's another person almost an outsider who's also inlove with one of the two friends" I rushed my words

"Artemis, I can't stop you. Be with him"

"Excuse me?"

"I know you're talking about yourself, you and James I can see it clearly"

"Who do you think the outsider is then because it certainly isn't Lily" I restored

"Can't you see Missy?! It's me, I'm the outsider and I love you!" I could feel my eyes widening and my lips parted

"Remus, you know we don't think you as an outsider, do you?"

"Sometimes" he shrugged, "you all grew up here in the wizarding world and I grew up there in the muggle world"

"You're hilarious, you don't love me and you aren't an outsider Remus if we didn't like you we would have left you all those years ago" I laughed abit, "listen, I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about James; James loves Lily but Emma likes James"


"Please don't repeat the last bit" I begged and he nodded, "Remus I have to go, I'm sorry"


"He did what?!" Mary exclaimed shook

"Explains alot actually" Peter mumbled

"What do you mean, Pete?" I asked twirling my fork in my spaghetti

"He's been so emo about it-" Dorcas slapped Peter, "Okay that hurt anyway yeah he was being so grumpy you know"

"Spit it out, Pettigrew"

"I just thought it was that time of the month" he whispered so only I could hear


"Well he was getting rather jealous of James"

"Probably because he thought I was inlove with him-"

"Sorry what?!" Marlene yelled as she sat down, joining us

"Well explain later" Dorcas laughed, "I thought you and James were only friends?"

"We are, I love him but I'm not inlove with him. He's my best-"

"Ouch, I keep getting abused today" Peter said dramatically

"Cry about it, Pettigrew"

"Whatever, Mckinnon"

"Whatever, Mckinnon"

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