What Do You Do With A Mute Tutor? (For those who missed it+chap2)

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A/N: This is was originally an April Fools joke, but then people actually liked it. The problem was that I never had any real ideas of what to do next. I did try to write chapter two, but by then I accepted that I didn't plan for this. It was too difficult to make something on the spot. So here's the original script plus what I wrote of chapter two. (All the names for the pictures used are different ways to say fool)

Y/N = Your name

M/N = Mom's name

D/N = Dad's name.

A/N = Authors Notes

*Yawn* = character actions.

"Is this power of requiem? The power of damnation over souls?" = Character is talking out loud

'This... is requiem...' = Texting/Writing(How Y/N will be speaking)

Italics = whispering

If there isn't " or ' that means they're thinking to themselves.

Unless stated otherwise, please assume that Y/N has written in his notebook and showed it to the other person when he communicates. It's going to be a unique experience here. I'll do my best.


Another school day? Yup. Pen, check. Notepad? Check. Drawing tablet? Check as well. Yea, he's ready for another day of school. But first, you may be confused. How did it end up this way? Was he born mute? Nope. It was a tragic and painful experience. The moment a drunk man stabbed into his throat with a pair of sharpened scissors. All this, over five hundred and thirty-three yen. Luckily his parents saw this and took action immediately. Long story short, he pretty much can't speak, but it's partially from his own choice. He refuses to go to speech therapy and get better. But enough about the past, let's focus on the present. (I wrote this scene four times due to a small error)

Y/N: Mmmm. Sleep.

Alarm: "Wake up! Oi! Oi. Wake up! Yea you. Yea you. I'm talking to you. That's right, up and at em. Come on. Come on. Come on! Feet on the floor. Let's go, chop-chop. You're gonna be late, and then what's gonna happen? You're not going to have time for breakfast. You're not going to have time for a snack. You can't pack a snack. And then what? You're gonna be grumpy, and you're gonna be hungry. And whose fault is that? It's gonna be your fault. Alright? Come on, get up, let's go. It's time to go. Okay?" (It took me a few attempts to copy it by ear)

Y/N: There goes my sleep. Right then, productive time. Gonna head to school and see Fuutarou. Yesterday was the big test. I know I did perfectly on it. I had. I spent a full week studying for it.

He gets dressed and goes to the dining room.

M/N: "Hello there, sleepyhead. Your father already went to work. He only took a bite of bacon, too. But you aren't allowed to do that, okay? Be a good boy and eat up."

(My first ever mom that was alive and a part of the Mc's life :D )

Y/N: 'Don't worry, don't worry. I'll make sure to appreciate your cooking.' *He gives her a reassuring thumbs up*

After eating breakfast, he walks over to Fuutarou's apartment. He waits outside for him to come out so they can go to school. During their walk, they talk about how they think they did on the test.

Fuutarou: "I know you got a one hundred. I, on the other hand, just want to pass."

Y/N: 'You say that. but you get a one hundred on every test.'

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