Attack Of The Idiot Kouhai

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A/N: Wow, people want more of this? Sure then. Another experiment that's going to be an actual series. Pleasantly surprised, but I'll keep working hard to deliver on series that have potential. Anyhow, let's start.

Y/N: I wonder how Naoto took it? It certainly wasn't the easiest thing to watch. A first-year girl made him cry, but she's a jk, so... hmm. But I don't feel like she'll leave us alone any time soon. Modern high school girls are very different from the ones you see in shows, you know? This isn't good for his anxiety.

Over to said nerd.


That night, he only heard her mocking voice. But that's just him.

Y/N: She's a brat at best. Though... I think he needs her. It's a cruel irony. I think with her help, he'll become stronger. I do hate it. My hatred is eternal, but I will be at peace for as long as I can. How useless. *He plays his flute* I wish grandpa was here. He was always so wise and carefree. He'd know what to do.

He looks out of his window and looks onto the full moon. It was bright and seemed only brighter when he gazed upon it. Looking out, he could only feel slightly somber.

Y/N: I guess it's time to sleep once more.

Jumping into bed, he only wishes for a night of plentiful rest. The night goes by without a trace. Morning rises, and it's as jarring as before. Everything plays out the same as every day. Father leaving before Y/N was awake, and his mother making him breakfast. Walking with Naoto to school once more.

Naoto: "She's almost insane."

Y/N: "She's just trying to be herself. Nothing more." *He shrugs*

Naoto: "That's the bad thing."

Y/N: *He takes a sip of Cocogoat milk* "You said it, not me."

Naoto: "How does that coconut milk taste?"

Y/N: "Amazing. I love the edible packaging."

To prove as such, he takes a bite of the coconut-shaped container.

Y/N: "Contrary to what you probably think, it's vanilla flavored."

Naoto: "Eh? That's somewhat a twist. More than likely what most people aren't expecting."

Y/N: "Subversion of expectations is the best. Tricking foolish people into believing something that's not is most entertaining. Humans are so easily fooled, they-"

Naoto: *He sprays him with a lavender and silk flower extract* "Bad Y/N. We agreed that you'd keep the angst low."

Y/N: "Fine." Useless. My depression runs rampant and can't be stopped. "That test is next week, right?"

Naoto: "I believe so. It's the math one, right?"

Y/N: "And history. The English test should be today."

Naoto: "I... I forgot to study." *He looks down dejectedly and takes a bite*

Y/N: "Did you stay up all night thinking about that person."

Naoto: "Potentially..."

Y/N: "No good. You can't allow someone like that to occupy your mind so freely."

Naoto: "I-I'm not! It's just..."

Y/N: "Not allowed. Excuses will only lead to it happening more frequently. Free your mind of such intolerable distractions." *He finishes the package*

Naoto: "Right. I only really want to be free of her. She's not good for my mental health."

Y/N: "My granduncle had a saying. Those who may come off the worst but stay by you at all times only mean well. She may not be doing it normally, but she could be wanting to be your friend."

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