Kubo-san Concept + MayoChiki Realized Concepts!

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A/n: Don't worry, I won't write either of these. I just wrote two new stories. I'm not adding these. When I really like a series, I get compelled to write them. So instead of adding longer wait times for stories no one wants to read, I'll just send them here.

I don't want to be one of those people with fifty stories and only update once in a blue moon. 

I'll be the person with twenty stories who updates once every two lunar cycles. 

Sad but true jokes aside, here are my ideas.

You Really Aren't That Bright, Are You? (Kubo-san x Reader)

Idea: Despite the title, it'd actually be Y/n x Tama-chan. I won't even pretend that I could write Y/n x Kubo better than Kubo x Shiraishi is already written. Instead, I want to focus on a criminally underrated character. Tama-chan, the ditzy ball of sunshine. This would follow a friend of Shiraishi. It'd be mostly original since it wouldn't follow Shiraishi and Kubo. You would see them often since Y/n is always with Shiraishi. Also, Y/n trying to help Kubo learn more about Shiraishi.

Plot:  After rolling a Mythical Rare unit in a gacha game, Y/n's stuck by Shiraishi. After a while, he realized the myth was false. But that starts their lifelong friendship. When their first year of High School starts, Y/n notices something strange. A girl with purple hair can easily spot Shiraishi! Finding Shiraishi is a rare event, but finding him constantly? Unheard of. Y/n starts to pick up on the growing feelings between the two as the story goes on. At the same time, Nagisa Kubo starts her own investigation into Y/n. Y/n's been trying to spend more time with her best friend Tamao Taira, also known as Tama-chan. The two eventually come to an agreement. Y/n helps Kubo learn more about Shiraishi and Kubo helps Y/n with Tamao. Y/n would be the wingman whose trying to get Kubo and Shiraishi together. In the meantime, Kubo's trying to get Y/n and Tama together. It'd follow the two clueless couples as they try and confront their feelings.

Y/n: He's a brilliant detective! But he's also air-headed. Despite his knack for easily solving mysteries, he's still a little clueless. Especially on things like love. He likes Tama because she's so free-spirited and carefree. Will our friend be able to piece together the mystery of High School Romance? I sure hope so, otherwise, it'd be a waste.

What Would Be Different: Pretty much everything. It would shift from Shiraishi and Kubo to Y/n and Tama. It'd heavily focus on those two and Y/n himself heavily changes the entire plot. But to give an example, Kubo's friends would be more fleshed out. She'd be with them more often. Y/n and Shiraishi would hang out occasionally. Leading to banter as Y/n questions him about Kubo. Y/n's detective nature would change Kubo and Shiraishi's relationship as they'd probably end up together sooner.

(MayoChiki x Reader)

Idea: What if Kurhea didn't accidentally let Sakamachi Kinjirō eat expired kimchi? What if it was instead someone else who went into the hidden bathroom and found Konoe Subaru? That's where this story starts. 

Plot: While Y/n isn't exactly best friends with Sakamachi, they get along. So after noticing one day that Y/n avoids going into public bathrooms, he recommends him a bathroom that very few people know about. In fact, he's confident only he knows about it. Y/n trusts since there's no reason he would lie. That goes wrong after one day finding the famous school butler Konoe Subaru in the hidden bathroom. Everyone knows him for being a tough guy who valiantly serves his Ojou-san. And that's what everyone knows... Except for Y/n. After discovering Subaru's a girl, he's sworn into secrecy. In return, they'd help him with his attachment problems.

Y/n:  Y/n's mother died after giving birth to him. Because of that, it was up to his father and uncle to raise him. He had an aunt. Had. She also passed. This caused Y/n to grow a fear of attaching to people, especially women. Due to this, he's avoided getting close to women. Well, years later, he's a mess. He can't even look a girl in the eyes. He gets anxious around them.

What Would Be Different:  I'd be following the manga, that's for sure. Don't get me wrong, the anime is cool. But the manga handles everything A LOT better. Y/n wouldn't be as strong as Jirou since he didn't have Kurhea constantly beating on him. I have a few ideas of how I would change the dynamic, too. Since it wouldn't be focused on physical strength as much. It'd lean more into a story of letting go of the way things used to be.

A/n: So, those are my ideas. When I'm stuck, I like to focus on something else for a moment to clear my head. Trying to write the Bocchi chapter, the first original that'd help segway into meeting Kita. These are both animes/mangas I like a lot, so I thought I'd write full concepts since I've been thinking about them recently.

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