Brainstorming what to write after Seton.

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Yo. I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. Trying to come up with ideas for what to write after I've finished my Seton Academy story. 

Here are the ideas I have so far!


Idea 1: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. 

The main character would hail from Kitakami and be friends with Keiran and Carmine. It would take place in Blue Berry Academy, but the main character would also venture to Paldea. This story will focus more on the day-to-day lives of students living in their respective academies. There will be a few major story events taking place. Venturing to Area Zero, capturing Terapagos, catching the loyal three and Ogerpon, challenging the Paldean gym leaders, and beating both sets of Elite Four and champions. As well as whatever epilogue the game has planned. This story's love interests would be Lacey, Penny, and Nemona. 


Idea 2: An original monster girl story. 

I'm kinda obsessed with the idea of a reporter interviewing things. In case you couldn't tell from everything else I've written. This story follows a young man on a mission to prove his teacher proud. He will secure an interview with every species on the planet! Armed with his teacher's bestiary, he roams the lands looking for new monsters to interview. This series would take monsters from a lot of different places. Yokai, Greek mythological creatures, European stories, beings of folklore, and even cryptids.


Idea 3: A Genshin story

My idea is to have the main character be a part of the Fatui. I think I've pitched a similar idea before? Not too sure. Either way, this MC is a collector of many fine things. He isn't evil to say, but he doesn't exactly scream hero of justice. He'll collect anything. This includes items such as dead visions or keepsakes of the dead. I have the idea to give him a cyro vision and electro delusion. Though, he'll have many delusions in his collection. 


Idea 4: Touhou (Return)

No need for introductions. Around a month ago I said I wouldn't be interested in returning to this series. Or rather, it would be too big of a time restraint. Most of that was due to studying each character and game. After lots of research, I've come to a conclusion. That literally doesn't matter. Characters act weirdly all the time. Heck, Lost Word brings the idea of many different versions of the main characters into play. With that in mind, I kinda want to give this story another shot. I've had a month to study each character, and I know how I want the story to go. At the same time, I can't promise anything. This story can be extremely taxing to write. Even still, I'll do my best. So long as you guys will read it, that is.


Idea 5: None.

Perhaps I should simply let my stories end. With each story, I push back my retirement by just a little. Maybe it's time I hang up the coat. Time to put up my hat and plan my journey's end. I do want to retire, but I want to make sure I end all of my stories first. So perhaps I start here and now. Let the Seton story end and plan no more. 


These are my ideas. Feel free to suggest any others! Ah, but before you do. It must be slice of life or romcom. No idol animes or anything music-based. I'm limiting my options because I want to ensure that whatever I pick is something I'll want to write no matter what. I want to make sure it isn't something I'm unsure of and will regret a few days later. Anyhow, that's all. I do hope to hear some suggestions from you guys. Anyhow, later. -Kishimino-san.

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