Everybody Loves Somebody. - The start of a Tamako Market story.

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For some reason, quotation marks don't work in titles. It's super weird.  

A/N: Welcome back. This place isn't just for ideas and old stories, it's also for new stories. I don't want to make another series, so I'll take it out here. This is based on Tamako Market. I've been on a bit of a Kyoto Animation binge recently. Lucky Star, Violet Evergarden, K-On, Dragon Maid, and Tamako Market. While I wouldn't write a full story, I thought writing my ideas would be fun.

Narration: From the start, everything was wrong. But I've never given up hope. If they had given up, I wouldn't be here. So for their sake, I keep moving. My mother was always a sickly woman. She died shortly after I was born. Father, being the determined man he was, wasn't deterred. Despite being hit with such a tragedy, he never showed his true sorrow in front of me. For many years he taught me his craft. He owned a shop in the Usagiyama Shopping District. He specialized in Onigiri making. It's more complicated than you think. There are numerous types and countless fillings options. Long story short, I've always taken after him. Up until the day he died. It was spontaneous and quick. He had died in his sleep, and I was none the wiser until morning. I went to wake him up to announce breakfast was ready. Except he didn't wake up. Since then I've been left to pick up the family business. Luckily I've always had the support of the Usagiyama Shopping District. They're like a family to me. They don't charge rent for the shop, they'll often check up on me, and they help out around the shop from time to time. I owe my success to them. But I'm especially thankful to Mamedai Kitashirakawa, the mochi maker. He taught me how to run and maintain a business after my father's passing. I'm also acquainted with his daughter, Tamako Kitashirakawa. I consider us friends. I'm also friends with their rival's son, Mochizō Ōji. You know what, I have a lot of friends. I've never considered the thought of being hated, so I see everyone as a friend. 

The day is coming to a close as Y/N and friends celebrate the soon-to-come winter break. 

Kanna: "Going anywhere over winter break?"

Midori: "I'm going to my grandma's on the second."

Kanna: "Let's go to the shrine on the first."

Y/N: "Let's go early, I have to work later."

Tamako: "Hey, what do you guys think of a Christmochi tree?"

Y/N: "A wha?"

Tamako: "A Christmas tree made of mochi. We can mix mugwort in to make it green like a fir tree, and we can top it with a star made of kinako mochi!"

Kanna: "How big are we talking here?"

Tamako: "It'll fit in your hands. Tamaya might get famous from it!"

Y/N: "Well, I was thinking of making an onigiri tree."

Tamako: "Oh? Really?"

Y/N: "It would be onigiri in the shape of trees. The nori wrapping would make it look perfect."

Kanna: "Since it's already green."

Y/N: "It'd have a salty outside and a sweet filling inside."

Midori: "Oh? What type?"

Y/N: "Mascarpone honey cream."

Midori: "You know how to make that?"

Y/N: "I've been practicing in anticipation of the holidays."

Tamako: "That was the stuff you were making yesterday, right?"

Y/N: "Right."

Tamako: "Ooh! They were super yummy! Make me one!"

Y/N: "Only if you'll make me a christmochi tree."

Tamako: "Deal!"

As clueless as ever, she happily strolls past her home. 

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