Some dialogue that'll go unused in the upcoming story

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Currently finishing a chapter and I got some good interaction, but I don't know if everyone would get it. But because I like it so much, I thought I'd keep it here.

Y: "Hey, before we go, can you do the thing?"

P: "That? Now? Did you miss the early morning broadcast?"

Y: "I may have been listening to Saki-chan for a little longer than usual."

P: "I see... I guess I'll do it. But in return, you have to pay for my slice later."

Y: What would a slice of cake cost? Not that much. "Alright then, I accept. Go ahead."

P: "Ehm."

She inhales for a couple of seconds before letting out a prolonged sigh.

P: "And we're back. Welcome back everyone, it's been a second, hasn't it? But I'm back now, and that's all that matters."

Y: "Sugoi!"

P: "I ask all listeners to lend me their ears for this short while. Thank you. It's another partially cloudy day. Not much in terms of differences, but that's the usual."

Y: "Very true!"

P: "There isn't much happening around the station today either, but I've come to expect that."

Y: "How boring."

P: "I myself am going on a date later today. So that's some excitement in my life."

Y: "Boo! I'd treat you right."

P: "Sorry to say listeners, but I'm takin."

Y: "I bet I'm five times the guy he is."

P: "Besides that, how about some excitement in the form of music?"

Y: "Wonder what today's track is?"

P: "That's all."

She bows slightly before grabbing her bag.

Y: "Thank you very much."

He grabs his bag, locks the door behind them, then they head out.

Y: "This place isn't far, right?"

P: "If I told you it was far, you wouldn't have wanted to come."

Y: "Excuse?"

P: "I'm joking, don't worry. It's ten minutes away."

Y: "Okay, cool. Let's get going then."

It was a little longer than ten minutes, but it wasn't by much. When they get to the cafe, they order and sit down at a table.

That's it. I may make a blooper reel since there is a lot of junk like this that goes unused, up to entire chapters too.

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