(Touhou Concept): Daily Life Of A Gensokyo Human.

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Hello and welcome.

What have I cooked up this time, you may be asking. Well, I've devised an amazing(and 100% original, trust me) Touhou story concept. Yeah, I know. This has been probably done to death. But I think it's neat. Just hear me out, alright? So, what would the main character be? What would he do? How does he interact with other characters?

Well, here's what I have so far. 

The main character, I'll probably give him an actual name, is a researcher. Of what? It should be obvious, but it's Yokai! That'd give him a proper excuse to go exploring and meet the Yokai of Gensokyo. I already have a good amount of knowledge of characters and their personalities. But of course, I'd do some more research myself to find out everything I can and get an accurate representation of each Yokai introduced. 

He'd be curious about Gensokyo and how it operates. He'd interview the Yokai and learn more about them. Sometimes they'll even go along with the main character as he travels. But once they reach their destination, they'd say goodbye. There might be one extra character or Yokai that accompanies him through all of his journeys. 

Overall, I think this would be fun.

I'm still trying to think of a design for the main character.

But in the meantime, here's part of his backstory. Or rather, ideas for his backstory. I don't know which one I like better. What do you guys think?

1- A terminally sick young man(18-22) with nothing to lose, which is why he decides to make the trip across Gensokyo. 

2-  A naturally curious youth(12-14) with dreams of befriending all Yokai.

I like both of these ideas. Might make them into separate characters. 

Perhaps they're brothers?

Or the older one is a mentor figure. So when he leaves to find out more about Gensokyo, the other one tags along.

I don't know. And that's the beauty of it all. It is a fresh and constantly evolving idea. Wanted to make this to get your guy's ideas. I'd rather do this than add yet another story that I mess up or lack interest in. I'm starting to use my concept book more and more so I avoid doing that.

So, what do you think? Any ideas? Suggestions of where to research Touhou characters? Videos or personality guides? Any good stories, manga, anime, or fan games of this series that I should check out to get a better understanding of everything? Let me know! Open to all and any feedback!

If you have nothing to say, then thank you for reading. Working hard to get new chapters out, so I'll see you in whichever book you're waiting for. Until then, Kishimino-Sensei.

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